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Leah Joelle

About Me

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From being Miss Langston University to sharing the stage with legendary gospel singer Dorothy Norwood, gospel artist Leah Joelle is blessed to have accomplished a lot. Since birth, Leah Joelle Hendricks' desire has been to uplift on goers through spiritual songs, which is exemplified through the scripture Psalm 37:4 – "His desire: My delight". The 25-year-old delights fans with her God-given singing ability and while not yet a household name, she is a seasoned performer. Leah has performed at venues alongside well-known gospel singers such as Mary Mary, Vanessa Bell-Armstrong, Rodney Bryant, Timothy Wright, Myron Butler and Vashon Mitchell. The spotlight shined on the young up-and-coming vocalist in 2007 after she completed “Use Me Lord,” her debut CD. With Godly inspiration and expertise from master musicians, she believes the project is memorable. Her follow up album "A New Day," is slated for a Spring 2008 release. Leah Joelle resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she began perfecting her singing and songwriting talents. Making strides through the gospel industry, the Illinois native also became a background singer for the band NuWorld Soul. Leah was an Early Childhood Education major at Langston University (Oklahoma) before earning a Bachelor's degree in 2004. She recently received a Master’s degree in Curriculum Leadership from Oklahoma State University in 2007. She received extensive vocal training as a member of the institution’s world-renown choir and traveling concert chorale. In 2002, Leah Joelle was crowned Miss Langston University. The crowning jump-started her career and led to a whirlwind of statewide and regional notoriety, which generated several singing invitations nationwide. Her accomplishments also landed her a feature in Ebony Magazine's April 2003 edition. Leah then competed in the prestigious and competitive Miss Oklahoma Scholarship Pageant, where she won the talent award after wowing the audience and judges with her rendition of “And I’m Telling You.” Leah Joelle believes music is a universal language that sparks emotions, inspires, heals and changes the lives of people. She has a unique and original sound and credits vocal trailblazers Kim Burrell, the Clark Sisters, and R&B singer Beyoncé for influencing her musical style. More importantly, Leah Joelle gives her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Glory for her gift.

My Interests


Member Since: 24/03/2006
Band Website: www.leahjoellemusic.com
Band Members:
Influences: God-- the one who perfects the craft; my mother, Kim Burrell, and anyone with the last name CLARK, COLE, MOSS, or SHEARD!!!
Sounds Like: OPEN FOR DISCUSSION.....!
Record Label: Indie

My Blog

Check out this video: Leah Joelle Video Blog

So.....i've been thinking of ways to stay connected with you other than Myspace blogs, and Tweeting, and Facebook.  I have started VLOGs, which is really just a video blog.  On the VLOGs, you'll get a...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Aug 2009 20:53:00 GMT


First there was myspace, then there was facebook, then IMEEM, now.....TWITTER!!!Well, I must admit that I'm a little slow in tuning in to new things.....i like to wait and let other people join stuff ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:01:00 GMT


So...i wanted to update you all on my concert.  All I can say is................GOD WAS IN THE BUILDING!!!!!Some amazing things transpired that night.  The process and stress and tears were all worth ...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 18:13:00 GMT

When you Pray

Hello folks...I've been doing some reflecting for the past month and I'm realizing how even in the midst of my own "mess-ups" God still gives me His best, and answers my cry.I'm the type that likes de...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Mar 2009 18:14:00 GMT

The Process

Hello Myspace world!!!  I figured it was time to give all of you an update.  I am currently in a process--a process of being pruned, purged, and equipped to do God's work.  I don't take my ministry li...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 21:40:00 GMT

Im Coming Home....Check out this event: Orange and Black Bash

Hosted By: John Nichols and Mt. Joy Youth CouncilWhen: Friday Oct 31, 2008 at 8:00 PMWhere Liberty Middle School1 District DriveEdwardsville, Illinois|14 62025United StatesDescription:Leah Joelle hend...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 04:35:00 GMT

A New Day

Hello My Space world!!! I figured it was time to finally post a blog--what better time than this?!  I have been trying to "UPGRADE" myself in the Lord.  After going throu...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 10:16:00 GMT