Spending time with my wife and son, hanging out with friends, golf, playing sports, playing XBOX, Alabama Football
I enjoy all kinds of music.
Braveheart, Backdraft, Ladder 49, We Were Soliders, The Patriot, Tears of the Sun, Blackhawk Down, Passion of the Christ, The Last of the Mohicans, Saving Private Ryan, Remember the Titans, Gladiator, The Count of Monte Cristo, Cinderella Man, The Last Samurai, as you can tell I love movies
American Chopper, CSI, CSI Miami, Sportscenter, Law and Order SVU, Deadlist Catch, Alabama Football, Sportscenter, Sportscenter, did I say Sportscenter
Racing to Win, The Book of Leadership, Beyond Belief to Convictions, Courageous Leadership, The God you're Looking For, 7 Practices of Effective Ministry, Your Best Life Now, The Power of Team Leadership