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I'd like to meet:


The power of the riff compels me!


Honey Form a Weed, Stocking Up, 'Tis, Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, Bukowski, James Elliot, Peneope Casas, Feasts of Life, too many cookbooks to list...


Heron, Ghandi, Tesla, Joe Strummer, Churchill, Ernesto

My Blog

Ran across this one too, you did ask for more... It's called: Ground Control

It is Sunday, and I sit here like other mornings. A bottle of water and a mug of high octain coffee, listening to Television; Marque Moon(great album!), under the corigated metal roof with the ceiling...
Posted by JMFL on Sun, 20 May 2007 01:50:00 PST

Still holds true

I came across this journal entry, and it choked me up a bit. I thought I'd post it, to help us all remember what this fucked up Holiday season should all be about. I wrote this three years ago, when R...
Posted by JMFL on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 04:43:00 PST