Writing rap songs
a person who can help me find Charlie Day. After he is found, we will kidnapp him and make him my husband. I would also like to find some other dance-off champions. It is getting lonely at the top. Maybe a nice man with a handle bar moustache, but preferably without witch's toes.
Boston, Van Halen (only Diamond Dave), Mr. Bungle, Fantomas, Duran Duran, Tears for Fears, Polycrescendo. But really, the only true music is recordings of me singing karaoke. You should hear this shit.
Royal Tenenbaums, Star Wars, Magnolia, Boogie Nights, Wizard of Gore, Rabid Grannies
It's Always Sunny. Best show on the planet and probably the universe. I haven't been to any other galaxies, so this is just an assumption.
The Great Gatsby, Black Dahlia, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
Bender McBeagleton, Kenny Moore because he can drink a lot, and Ignatius J. Reily