Marc profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm MARRIED to the most wonderful woman in the world!Click here to visit Our Wedding Website And keep an eye on this space for a link to our wedding photos. Look in my pics for some great honeymoon pics!I Love LBI, Beefeater Gin, Andy's Corner Bar, Syracuse, the Yankees and sunday mornings w/ a fresh pot of coffee and the paper.

My Interests

GOLF - Click here to visit my Bachelor party website - MB07 baby!!!Movies, music, books...I was a TRF Major and still into all that jazz.

I'd like to meet:



Springsteen, Dave, O.A.R., Counting Crows, JT, Buffet...


Caddyshack, Old School, Anchorman, anything that makes me laugh.


Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, whatever's on ESPN right now...


The Catcher in the Rye


My old man.