Charlotte profile picture


Check out The Heart Of Everything Page, can be found in my top friends

About Me

Layout made byMusic and working with animals are my two main passions. Listen to music everyday, and helps me to sleep at night. Studied animal care for 5 years, left last September. I have a HND in Animal welfare and Business management, and currently looking for a career.I love to drive, find it a pleasure. In the future would love to have a faster car, but for now I’m happy with my little car. Enjoy going all round the country to gigs, not happy unless I have a few gigs lined up! 2007 is proving to be an incredible year for music! With Tori Amos releasing an album, within temptation, Asrai, Nightwish and Indigo girls, to name a few!So that’s me, anything else just ask! Love to make new friends, especially with people that appreciate good music! Thanks for reading

My Interests

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comChildhood days are the best days! and being a 90's child i grew up playing super mario brothers, street fighter, etc and watching kick ass cartoons like chip and dale, Ducktales, and thunder cats! oh you remember! ;o)So I love video games, the old cartoons, disney films! Enjoy driving, playing guitar, Cartooning, and above all MUSIC!!

I'd like to meet:

Family that was stolen from me before I got a chance to know them. Sarah Mclachlan and Tori Amos. And wouldn’t mind having a beer with the indigo girl’s and put the world to rights for a few hours! ;o)Sharon Den AdelSarah MclachlanTori Amos


BANDS:Within Temptation, Nightwish,Lacuna Coil, Guano Apes, Delain, Epica, Asrai, Blakcmore's Night,Goo Goo Dolls, Blue October, InMe, Indigo Girls, Mercury Rev, Mesh-29.SOLO ARTISTS: Sarah Mclachlan, Lene Marlin, Heather Nova, Tori Amos,Joan Osborne, Rosanne Cash, Bryan Adams.ALBUMS: Fumbling towards ectasy-Sarah Mclachlan, Touch in the Dark-Asrai, The Heart Of everything-Within Temptation, Lucidity-Delain, Fallen-Evanescence, Siren-Heather Nova, White Butterfly-InMe, Karmacode-Lacuna Coil,Playing my game-Lene Marlin. Little Earthquakes-Tori Amos.INSTRUMENTALS: Hans Zimmer-Lion King/Pearl harbour/Gladiator. James Horner-Titanic.Lacuna CoilWithin TemptationTori AmosSarah MclachlanNightwishEvanescence


Fantasy Films - The Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Willow.Animation - Balto, Lion King, Land Before Time.Epic - Lord Of The Rings, Gladiator, Underworld.Horror - SilentHill, Saw, 13Ghosts.Romantic - The Notebook, Titanic, Romeo and Julliet.


T.V sucks at the moment! however there are some highlights, top gear! I love that trio! Simpsons, even though they are all repeats i don't get tired of them! Skins, i am so hooked on that show!! Used to watch Buffy, Angel and Roswell when they were on. Just don't make things like they used to anymore!


I like the Author Gerry Hill. Just lovely romantic novels. Enjoy the Harry Potter books, however gone off them now...must be age! the 1st book i ever really got into is Clan of the Cave Bear, very interesting story that also gives you a taste of what it was like all them years ago. ( The Cave Man days! )Have to be in the mood to read though, when i am i can read for hours! But it's rare i'm in the mood.


Sarah Mclachlan, reminds me of different stages in my life, although i only started listening to her at 16! that was around the time i started college, and to this point her songs are always being played so when i look back her songs will stand out too.Tori Amos, that woman is so strong! I can't relate to her songs as much, as i haven't gone through much pain in my life. There are some songs i can relate to though..Blood Roses.Also my Grandparents are my heroes, special people.

My Blog

On Reflection

Yesterday I wrote a negative review on Lacuna Coil, and having slept on it I regret some of the statements I made. To be fair, both bands are quite different, L.C go for the more Rock feel, where as W...
Posted by Charlie on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 11:52:00 PST

Lacuna Coil

I just read  a blog on Lacuna Coil and thought i'd post it as a blog on here as I found it quite interesting: I've lost huge amount of respect for this band recently. Cristina Scabbia is quite th...
Posted by Charlie on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:29:00 PST

The Heart Of Everything

The new Within Temptation cd, The Heart of Everything. I'm obsessed! I tried so hard not to listen to previews of this album, but it was hard to resist, stumbling on the songs playing on other people...
Posted by Charlie on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 02:07:00 PST

9 Crimes

wow! this song caught my attention, held it then blasted my socks off!! This song is so typical of Damien Rice, so raw yet powerfull! reminds me of one of his other masterpieces, I remember. Now that ...
Posted by Charlie on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 10:47:00 PST

What have you done

Hell ya! Within tempation return with a kick ass song!! You know what it's like when your waiting for one of your favourite bands to bring out a new single, you hope your going to like it! And they h...
Posted by Charlie on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 02:40:00 PST


Netherlands They have the best music in the gothic metal genre! Just been having a browse on myspace for some new tunes and came across lennon! Wow she's good! She has done quite a few albums but ha...
Posted by Charlie on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 03:52:00 PST

Tori Amos

I have decided to do song of the month instead of week as I'm not that commited to do it weeky! ;o) Ok so this month it goes to the wonderful tori amos! Arrrrr now to choose just one song by her woul...
Posted by Charlie on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 08:07:00 PST

Bullet for my Valentine

The adventure started off with an epic drive into Birmingham! Three Warwickteers braving the city of Birmingham, in a tiny Kia. Oh but she was good, handled the sharp corners, complicated one way sys...
Posted by Charlie on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 03:37:00 PST

song of the week - within temptation "memories"

The song is epic, beautiful and powerfull.   Just listen to it and draw your own conclusion.    
Posted by Charlie on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 06:14:00 PST

naio ssaion

I just discovered this band, and didn't waste anytime on purchasing their album! It has yet to arrive but I've already heard most of the songs via you tube and myspace! And I love them! Yes another b...
Posted by Charlie on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 01:38:00 PST