Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comChildhood days are the best days! and being a 90's child i grew up playing super mario brothers, street fighter, etc and watching kick ass cartoons like chip and dale, Ducktales, and thunder cats! oh you remember! ;o)So I love video games, the old cartoons, disney films! Enjoy driving, playing guitar, Cartooning, and above all MUSIC!!
Family that was stolen from me before I got a chance to know them. Sarah Mclachlan and Tori Amos. And wouldn’t mind having a beer with the indigo girl’s and put the world to rights for a few hours! ;o)Sharon Den AdelSarah MclachlanTori Amos
BANDS:Within Temptation, Nightwish,Lacuna Coil, Guano Apes, Delain, Epica, Asrai, Blakcmore's Night,Goo Goo Dolls, Blue October, InMe, Indigo Girls, Mercury Rev, Mesh-29.SOLO ARTISTS: Sarah Mclachlan, Lene Marlin, Heather Nova, Tori Amos,Joan Osborne, Rosanne Cash, Bryan Adams.ALBUMS: Fumbling towards ectasy-Sarah Mclachlan, Touch in the Dark-Asrai, The Heart Of everything-Within Temptation, Lucidity-Delain, Fallen-Evanescence, Siren-Heather Nova, White Butterfly-InMe, Karmacode-Lacuna Coil,Playing my game-Lene Marlin. Little Earthquakes-Tori Amos.INSTRUMENTALS: Hans Zimmer-Lion King/Pearl harbour/Gladiator. James Horner-Titanic.Lacuna CoilWithin TemptationTori AmosSarah MclachlanNightwishEvanescence
Fantasy Films - The Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Willow.Animation - Balto, Lion King, Land Before Time.Epic - Lord Of The Rings, Gladiator, Underworld.Horror - SilentHill, Saw, 13Ghosts.Romantic - The Notebook, Titanic, Romeo and Julliet.
T.V sucks at the moment! however there are some highlights, top gear! I love that trio! Simpsons, even though they are all repeats i don't get tired of them! Skins, i am so hooked on that show!! Used to watch Buffy, Angel and Roswell when they were on. Just don't make things like they used to anymore!
I like the Author Gerry Hill. Just lovely romantic novels. Enjoy the Harry Potter books, however gone off them now...must be age! the 1st book i ever really got into is Clan of the Cave Bear, very interesting story that also gives you a taste of what it was like all them years ago. ( The Cave Man days! )Have to be in the mood to read though, when i am i can read for hours! But it's rare i'm in the mood.
Sarah Mclachlan, reminds me of different stages in my life, although i only started listening to her at 16! that was around the time i started college, and to this point her songs are always being played so when i look back her songs will stand out too.Tori Amos, that woman is so strong! I can't relate to her songs as much, as i haven't gone through much pain in my life. There are some songs i can relate to though..Blood Roses.Also my Grandparents are my heroes, special people.