I’m into the finer things in life.
I’m really not such a bad guy after all. Only from time to time do I dip my pen into the ink of sin.
Skateboarding. Playing Xbox. Forests. Forest fires. Dirty things, clean things, all things ... things. Hopefully you are into some of the same things.
Someone who will get Jesus out of my house!
Slayer, John Coltrane, Hightower, Miles Davis, The Gospel Power Trio.
The Devil's Rejects, Rosemary's Baby, Crossroads, The Car, The Devil's Advocate, The Ninth Gate, Prince of Darkness, The Golden Child.
American Misfits on Fuel network, 9pm on the day of rest.
Magik, 666, The Book of the Law, Are You there God? Its me Margeret, Book of Thoth and Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
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