Rumiko Chan profile picture

Rumiko Chan

I am socializing r-tard. I'm on an MMORPG gaining XP with my friends using Team Speak

About Me

    My Name is Ja'Niece. Jan, Rumiko or just Miko are all names I respone to. Born 20 Feb 1982...that makes me 25. I really suck at math. I like Monkeys. I believe in God. I wish I knew how to do a backflip. I play DDR but I totally suck at it. I've seen an Alien Space ship! The flying thing had a weird shaped body!! There's no WAY we earthian's made that thing i saw just moseying thur the sky. Final Fantasy 6 is one of the best games EVER! I love to love people. I'm very openminded. I Like Punk, Rock, Classical, Celtic-Irish Music and like 2 rapper songs. I really dislike Hip-hop. I think thats why i'm not cool. Losers Rule! I love Japanese Anime. I've never COSplayed, tho I totally want to! Ranma 1/2 is Funny!! I love P-chan I guess you know I read Manga. I drool over Irish and British Accents. I like Mash Potatoes. Watching cartoons keeps me sane. I wanna travel the world. Road Trip!!! Xena is my Hero. And She-ra. I HATE!! when people litter. Sleeping is a good thing. I'm a crazy strangly dressed weirdo. I'm a horrible speller. I'm VERY spontaneous. I like to hang out with crazy funny crackhead people. Not REAL crack heads tho. They scare me. Boring people make me real bored and thats not a good thing. I saw my first porn when i was 8. The dudes weewee turned blue!! Scard me for life. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, a,b, select, start I really could care less what people think about me. I don't have a Boyfriend. I don't have a Girlfriend either. Actually I'm not looking for anyone. Maybe I need to. And get a 'lover' like Angelina Jolie does! Then we could pratice page 50 Karma Sutra!! Damn, that means I'll have to take yoga classes. I think I have ADHD. I've run naked through a house with 10 other people. I had to take college Algebra like 5-6 times be for I passed. I don't like people who Judge others. I plan to write a kicking story and get rich and famous!! I hear Voices in my head. I hate that America used an ATOMIC BOMB!! to bomb Hiroshima. I fell asleep while watching the first Matrix. Laughed at the second Matrix. Never seen the last Matrix. My Fav. color is Blue. I wanna learn Japanese. Never been to Iceland. People say i'm a very random person. I'm a Girl Gamer. Old School Nintendo!! Woot! I play D&D but my character(s) always dies cuz i'm mad crazy with them. No Hablo Espanol. I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. I can't dance, but I got to dance clubs and dance anyway. I'm the first on the dance floor!!. I'm an airforce brat. I'm a bum broke poor person. I'm the youngest of 4. I don't smoke. I don't do one-night stands. I have a blk/white 2yr old cat named Neeko. I don't like shopping. I love to read. I read like 3-4 hrs a day. I'm such a Loner. I lover Horror Movies. Fantasy too. And almost anything with swords and dragons. Bruce Campbell is my Idol. I can't cook. I try to go to the Gym and work out at least 2 hrs a day. I think Freakles are adorable!! I like Spice Girls!! Girl Power! Natile Portman is the only reason I've seen star wars. I think she's frkkin hot. So is Aiden Turner. If they made a porn movie, i'd watch it!! I wanna friend that's just like Jack from Will and Grace.

Dave Chappelle-Grape DrinkJack wants coffee icecream

D&D Final Fantasy style!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myself when im 67yrs old.

My ultimate sex 3some weirdo fantasy! Orlando Bloom, Natalie Portman, and James bond himslef! aka Sean Connery. =) If these three did a sex movie together, I would sooooo buy it!! And then watch it twice, and then show all my friends!! And then write down a play by play book on everything they did on it!! From the hot oil wrestling to the jello wennie rubbin!! And then I'd write a book called "Two Weenies and a Vagina go Disco" and get rich n famous. Muw-hahahah!! Dude im such a pervert. But thats a good thing =)


    Tori Amos - Awesome voice Blink 182 - Crazy white boys! Regina Spektor - She's so beautiful The Postal Service Utada Hikaru - Japanese! Bjork - She just rocks Linkin Park - Yay! Damone - Neato band Enya - Love her Bach Roller Girl Final Fantasy songs Loreena McKennitt Eisley Amy Lee’s Voice Dresden Dolls Velt Punch Ah-a’s one hit wonder Blah blah let’s sum it up! Most everything but rap!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet! Fcuk!! I really do suck at math!! Grrrrr. *angry glare*
You Failed 8th Grade Math
Oh no, you only got 2/10 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?


Queer as Folk

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion





Dark Crystal


Warriors of the Wind

The L Word

Spice World

Killer Klowns

Neverending Story


Men in Tights

The Last Unicorn

Bubba Ho-Tep

Fried Green Tomatoes

Ranma 1/2

Mars Attacks!



Howard The Duck

Xena Warrior Princess

The Professional

Tank Girl

The Lost Boys


Tranzor Z!! My Happy Childhood Anime!

Fcuk!! I really do suck at math!! Grrrrr. *angry glare*
You Failed 8th Grade Math
Oh no, you only got 2/10 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?

I love this Movie! *accent* "drik de milk"

No Mr. Kefka!! Not the Falling one attack!! NNOOOoO!!!


    White Jenna Drangon Lance Books Marion Zimmer Bardley Fantasy Stuff mostly Advocate Cynthia McQuillin Most Manga Graphic Novels Rumiko Takahashi Satoshi Urushihara He's a old Perv ^-^ Anime/Xena Fan Fiction .. Ranma 1/2 Banshee Horror? I think that's the name Bruce Campbell's books (He's tons funny) Sword and Sorceress Series I seriously read too much


Xena! Gabrielle! Mmmm Red Sonja! ANd She-ra Princess Power! Kodouchi Kuno, The Black Rose!! She's frikkin insane!!
Miko's Details
Who I be Sexin’?:I need live porn lovin'
Who I is: Im a loser punk skater chic who still watches Cartoons
People I like: Non boring people
The World around me: Amazon rain forest where i swing in trees and rule the Monkey world. Monkeys will rule!! And I will be Queen! MuwHaha!...ok..maybe not. But you've seen Plante of the Apes! Beware! For one DAY!!!!
How I look: I'm a 5'2 shortie. I spend 2/3hrs at a gym 5 days a week! But still i have no pac *tear*
Ethnicity:Afro Black Chic
How bored I am right now: very
Fav Cartoon: Fairly Odd Parents!
Smoke / Drink: Don't you know smoking Kills!? But I do like me some drinks
Children: One holy holy day
Tuna Taco: hahahahaha!!
Work?:Teaching Deranged Monkeys to speak Russian and play Nintendo
Money: Less then Paris Hilton on an off day

My Blog

posting to post cuz im super bored. wait!! Wanna know what i did today!?! then read me!

So! I woke up at 9:43am, and I was like, "Damn internal clock! You're not pos to go off until 10:03!!" So i was bummed and tried to squeeze out 10 more mins of sleep. Alas I had to pee so i got up.&nb...
Posted by Rumiko Chan on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 08:10:00 PST

My 'not so long' short story! Yay!! I heart jack on will and grace. He's so neat

Retribution   The silent figure slowly emerged from the shadows of the forest, leaping over the barbed wire fence surrounding the plantation house with uncanny ease.      ...
Posted by Rumiko Chan on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 10:10:00 PST

guess who just got published!?! ME!!! How awesome am i!? Totally!! Vote Xena!

so i received a letter in the mail today saying that ahem, "Congratulations! I am writing to inform you that the script committee has selected your entry to be published in the 2007 edition of Script"...
Posted by Rumiko Chan on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 05:11:00 PST

the very very last ep of rome is coming on!! NOOOOO!!

i would type a very sad and depressing witty blog here, but rome is coming on like in 30secs. =)   Im sad!!   =(   No im bored =/ happy again!! =)   ok im done...
Posted by Rumiko Chan on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 06:02:00 PST

My spring break: And I have 3 scripts and 2 short stories to write, and a film to be in

omg i'm so fcuntking stoked. In my script writing class I found out that I'm one of the best writers in there. (My homie Melissa rocks too! Girls rule!) Kick ass right!?! My teacher tol...
Posted by Rumiko Chan on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 09:10:00 PST

A Girl Gamers worse nightmare! (No not an old man in a Thong) No FFXll?! Damnit! Noo! NOO!!!

yeah so, I FINALLY got Final Fantasy Xll and wouldn't you know it!! After playing for about an hour, my head starts aching and stomach starts acting like a dumb ass.  !!!! Stupid game is making ...
Posted by Rumiko Chan on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 08:56:00 PST

Stupid Fcuntking charter cable box!! It won't let me watch Rome!! DAMNIT!! I need ROME!!!

So i got a new top 10 TV show....and it's called Rome.  And omg if you haven't seen it on HBO you totally need to start!!  It's so awesome!! It's really kinda pornish tho.  There's like...
Posted by Rumiko Chan on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 08:13:00 PST

I hate the stupid crap american version of stupid crap Nausicaa!! HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHS!!

I perfer to watch the crap old ass 1985 off the tv bootleg version of Warriors of the wind that we recorded in Germany ! !! !  I try to watch the New USA dvd version of "Nausicaa of the...
Posted by Rumiko Chan on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 07:06:00 PST

How is it, that people can brainwash other people with 70 Virgins? The world is crazy! CRAZY!

So my TV's broken and I'm forced to watch Barbara Walters on ABC, and she interviewing a 'would be suicide bomber, but i got caught' guy.  Anywho, this dude was like, "If I gave my life, (to blo...
Posted by Rumiko Chan on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 07:39:00 PST

Shot the film today and it was awesome! Butch lesbian Jill! You rock like cherry poprocks! =)

So shot the film today! And everything went pretty well.  Considering that 2 actresses bailed out before the shoot.  I had to call Jill to come be the Butch, while I recruited the ...
Posted by Rumiko Chan on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 08:41:00 PST