About Me
I first prayed the prayer of salvation when I was about 6 or 7 but I didn't really know exactly what it meant. When I was 13 I got into the, "scene" and completly denied that God even exsisted, and when all that came to pass I fell really hard. I was in and out of jail, I spent 1 year in a drug rehab, and to top it all off I had no relationship with my familiy because I wanted to be independent. So I pushed them away, even though through it all they were the only people who were always there for me in the end and who never stabbed me in the back like all of my fake friends. Finally I got to a place where I was so lost, and felt so alone, that I was set on taking my own life. I came to a place where I fell on my knees in complete desperation. Mentally, physically, and spiritualy I was beaten, scared and broken to the point that if something miraculous didn't happen, I was going to give up on everything. So one night, I prayed that God would bring me hope, peace, love, and passion to live for Him. . . as soon as I did, I felt something that I never experienced before, I broke down in tears and began to tell Him that I was sorry, all of the sudden it felt like there was a black crust, around my heart, that just crumbled into dust, there were chains and walls that I had built up to keep myself from really listening to what GOD, had to say, not to what some pastor had to say. He gave me a song called "Secrets of the Heart" it starts out saying, "No one see's the mask I hide behind, except You Father You know whats on my mind, only You know the depths of my soul I ask You Lord to lift me out of this hole, and ~I'm crying out for You~to come now Jesus and make me whole~breathe in me fire so that I won't be cold~surround me now in Your embrace~take me deep to Your hiding place~so I can see Your glorious face right now!. . . . . . . . If you can relate to my past at all and you want something new in your life I incourage you to listen to this song. ~Don't be afraid to turn it up, and to really open your heart to what God wants to do in your life, who knows maybe there really is still hope for a better way to live. . . If you want to listen to the song go to view all of my friends and find "zero theory" click on us, then at the top right of that page find secrets of the heart. If you want to know more about my backround or have any questions or prayer requests please don't hesitate to send me a message.