Being a dang good engineer!
JESUS, RON PAUL, APOSTLE PAUL, JOB, KING SOLOMON, AND THE ADAM AND EVE OF GENESIS, and whoever else who has wisdom and discernment.
Classical, the gospel hyms, irish music, 80's rock including Stix, REO Speedwagon, and Journey
The documentaries: "Loose Change" and "Freedom of Fascism", Enemy of the State, Born on he 4th of July, Transformers, Taxi Driver, Code Name: Cleaner, The Last King of Scotland, Blood Diamond, The Departed, Wedding Crashers, Old School, Happy Gilmore, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, Music & Lyrics, American Pie I & II, Blades of Glory, Accepted, and Animal House
Smallville, According to Jim, Two and a Half Men, The Office, Sopranos, and the Bill Maher Show
The Bible (KJV 1611) by God, The New Enclyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire by Chalmers Johnson, and 9/11 Synthetic Terror by Webster Griffin Tarpley
Jesus, Ron Paul, Peter Ruckman, Jeff Bartel,, Brian Solomon, & Brian Gremlin, and Christians who stick to the King James Bible.