This is incredibly difficult for me since I do not enjoy talking about myself. I suppose that I am often very gentle and soft-spoken, but I do consider myself strong in some ways... I can be very steadfast and perhaps even a little stubborn at times. In truth, I will not be swayed when I feel that something is truly wrong and will hold my ground, even when being pressured by all around me.
I also have very strong emotions, and, I am afraid, it seems as though I am in tears quite often. But, please, do not let this deter you for, I promise, I do not cry as often as I used to.
I also have strong feelings when it comes to people and places that I love, and I feel very strongly about nature as well and sometimes end up in an absolute reverie over a beautiful landscape or a starlit night. But do not think that I am led only by emotions for I always depend on reason to guide my actions.
"We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be."
My Aunt Bertram, Sir Thomas, my brother (William), Edmund, Tom, Julia, Maria, Mary Crawford, Henry Crawford, & essentially any other character that I am connected to... except perhaps my Aunt Norris {*ugh*}. Aside from those, I simply wish to create new friendships, especially with those who appreciate the novels & film adaptations of Jane Austen.
I enjoy hearing my cousins' play on the pianoforte, and I recently heard Miss Crawford play on her harp. Both instruments have a lovely sound to them, and I enjoy listening to them immensely.
Je ne comprends pas.
Je ne comprends pas.
I enjoy poetry and any writings that praise the glories of nature.
My brother, William.