I'm interested in why you are reading this in the first place?
I'd like to meet God, on a Friday evening, preferably in Haydens Bar, and over a pint of Guinness I'd like to ask him (her!) 3 questions....thats it really!
Am basically trying to gather a lot of the music I like on this page, so there's no real need in me makin a list..I do love listening to Noel Davis, he's the best...I knew him before he was famous you know....he doesn't return my calls now though...he's probably busy!
Rocky 3...featuring that final fight scene with none other than Mr. T. while Adrien looks on!! I don't often shed a tear....but here, well I came close! Will also sit down some day and make a proper list here, most likely when I'm in a retirement home...but by heck what a list it will be then!!
Anything with Pat Kenny in it...Kenny Live, the Late Late...he used to be on today tonight you know!!
The hardbacks...mainly!!
I think its fair to say that any animal that can rescue me from a well would be my hero...lassie, skippy, flipper, the littlest hobo (although I'm not quite sure if he rescued people or ate out of people's rubbish bin's?!)