Scott profile picture


I got my Morrissey Tickets!!!

About Me

Background Artist:
Marah Johnson This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

Who you are sometimes is defined by the difference between what you say, and what you do. I'm an involved individual with those who are close to me. Sometimes you forget how to laugh and how to let others in. Both of those are qualities that I am just now rediscovering. "When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose?'" - Don Marquis.~ Don't bother.

My Interests

Providence, Vegetarian, Shows, Black coffee, Writing, Music Purchase, Travelling. "What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left." -Oscar Levant

I'd like to meet:

People who are genuine, caring, involved and truthful. aim~ dyingforthescent


Hot Water Music, The Draft, Blacktop Cadence, Husker Du, Sugar, Morrissey/Smiths, Dinosaur Jr., The Clash, Minutemen, Firehose, Mike Watt, The Birthday Party, The Jam, The Damned, Gang of Four, Hoover, Johnny Cash, New York Dolls, The Replacements, Elvis Costello & The Attractions, The Pixies, Hepcat, James Brown, Bobby Darin, Simon & Garfunkel/Paul Simon, Carole King, Six Finger Satellite, Man.. Or Astroman?, The Phantom Surfers, The Who, Rolling Stones, Beatles, DEVO, Nebulas, Dead Kennedys, Misfits, Gluecifer, Turbonegro, Hank III, Sebadoh, Fugazi, 70's Aerosmith, Get Up Kids, Hoover, Farside, Sonic Youth, Local Music.


The Life Aquatic, High Fidelity, Rushmore, Glory Daze, Outside Providence, Instrument, High Art, Love Actually, Little Miss Sunshine, Sid & Nancy, Rude Boy, Big Lebowski, Big Trouble in Little China, Spinal Tap, Bill & Ted's, Quills, Tombstone, Roger & Me, House of 1000 Corpses, Battle Royale, American Beauty, Another State of Mind, Usual Suspects, Things to do in Denver, Brain Candy, ........All Things Cusack & Spacey


C-SPAN, CNN, Lou Dobbs, Real Time w/ Maher, Meet the Press, Countdown w/ Kieth Olbermann, Survivorman, Red Sox Baseball


An Underachievers Diary, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Prophet, Songbook, The Sorrow of War, Insomnia, Catcher in the Rye, Black Coffee Blues, Brief History of Time, The Rants by Dennis Miller, Fastfood Nation, Love in the time of Cholera, A Prayer for Owen Meaney, Curse of the Bambino, A People's History of the United States 1492-Present, Manufacturing Consent


RFK, JFK, MLK. Historical figures with a Girth of importance and influence.

My Blog

The Most Vicious of Them All.

Man. Why would someone do this? Ever been embarrassed by your species? ...
Posted by Scott on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 02:22:00 PST

America: We’re the new China! by: Mark Mordford

America: We're the new China! Weak, gutless Democrats, sneering, oil-loving Republicans and cars that belch and shrug By Mark Morford, SF Gate ColumnistAs part of my ongoing effort to save my own sou...
Posted by Scott on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 06:51:00 PST

Stick em Up

My dad was in the Bank of America right up the street from my house yesterday.  While he was there, IT GOT ROBBED!  No guns were drawn, nor did two assailants walk in wearing Nixon and Reaga...
Posted by Scott on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 05:01:00 PST

Skydive Oahu

Here's the skydiving video from Hawaii. Enjoy! Oh, the blue screen at the beginning will pass. Be patient. ...
Posted by Scott on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 07:19:00 PST


I am just back from the re-scheduled Morrissey show. I must say, what he lacked in apologies, he made up for in sheer gusto. The set list was COMPLETELY different from the one he embarked on in the ...
Posted by Scott on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 09:04:00 PST

Happy Birthday to the Other One

Yes indeed.  Today is Chomsky's Birthday.  He is 2, going on 1 and 1/2.  Sadly, he and Fabala are on the outs at the moment from a serious fight 2 nights ago (seriously, it was ugly), i...
Posted by Scott on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 03:09:00 PST

Happy Birthday

Today is Fabala's Birthday. She's my cat. She's two. Chomsky is jealous, and has locked himself in the bathroom already, to show his displeasure. He was not sad about the half a can of wet food th...
Posted by Scott on Mon, 07 May 2007 06:28:00 PST

Another Lesson Learned the Hard Way

My work day began at 5:00am today, which means me waking up at 3:30am.  Let it be known this is the most vile time of day, especially since my alarm clock is not equipped with an instantaneous in...
Posted by Scott on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 02:52:00 PST

Autumn Playlist

Ah, the fall is here.  It is time to put away the summer music collection.  This is a season that, for me, is steeped in tradition.  It has now been a decade that the core of my pre-win...
Posted by Scott on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 02:51:00 PST

Blog Tag response

blog tag! Tagged! Here's the deal: Each player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits about you" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird habits/things, as well as...
Posted by Scott on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 12:01:00 PST