Music, Guys, Art, Drinking,Local Bands, Johnny Rzeznik, Friends, Shopping,Talking on the phone, Going to shows, Traveling,sleeping in random places,causing trouble, making people happy, hanging out with my amazing boyfriend Mike,and bestest Shawny, Little Alyssa, and Corey!!
Very awesomely awesome people!!!!
Oh yeah and Johnny Rzeznik!!
My Screen name is CherryRocker12 or Tinytroubledstar
Goo Goo Dolls Live in Buffalo, Goo Goo Dolls Music in High Places Alaska, City of Angels, Legally Blonde, School of Rock, Saved, All of the 80's teen flicks, Mean Girls.. pretty much anything.
I really dont watch that much tv, BUT I always make time for Sex in the City, Desprate House Wives, CSI Miami, and of course Gilmore Girls and America's Next Top Model!
Stargirl, Holes, Speak, There's A Monster At The End Of This Book!, Anything by Dr. Seuss
Johnny Rzeznik
Mrs. Corcoran
My mommy
Kara Lyn!!