The beginning of Langus was your typical story of a few high school kids who decided to start a band. Formed in 1999, who would have thought that years later, Langus would be the next up and coming band receiving major/college radio airplay and sharing the stage with national artists such as Breaking Benjamin, Jet, Hinder, and Shinedown? "The hard edged melodic sound of Langus is undeniable".
Even before the successful release of their full length debut album "Running In Place" 2008, Langus has been thriving off of their massive fan base that has brought them this far. Popular tracks including "Falling Again", and "Running In Place" have truly defined this four piece band's unique, original sound.
Prior achievements that helped lead to the success of the band, included the release of the five song E.P. "Pass The Time" 2004. Thanks to the support from major/college radio stations and a loyal fan base, the titled track "Pass The Time", was included on several compilation discs, including the " WEBN Budweiser True Music Compilation ".
Surprisingly, without the backing of any Major or Independent record labels, Langus has managed to sell out shows, and had the privilege of headlining and opening for national acts at major venues throughout the Mid West and East Coast. Amongst touring, Langus is in the midst of recording the anticipating follow up album to " Running In Place".
Needless to say, the best is yet to come.
Langus is:
Chris Rook; Vocals/Guitar
Benjamin Petry; Bass/Keyboards/Vocals
Jon Parnell; guitar
Todd Chumbley; Drums
To order you copy of "Running In Place" Send a $12 check to:
P.O. Box 42402
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
Make check payable to Langus
Be sure to include your return address.