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About Me

Well, where shall I begin? I'm a 21 year old animating lunatic who lives with her even more lunaticic boyfriend in a charming little unit in Palm Beach on the Gold Coast. Life is pretty sweet. I work as an freelance animator/designer/illustrator/cartoonist at Liquid Interactive 5 days a week in the valley. My weekends usually consist of eating, drinking, relaxing and recovering from the busy week, either with my gorgeous boyfriend or catching up with my girl pals when I can. Such a tough life it is. But then when you live 20 houses away from pristine beachfront... well, you can't complain, can you?

*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: KT Frachesca Lambourne
Date of Birth: 30th of January, 1986
Birthplace: Portsmouth, England. Whinging pom, I know.
Current Location: Errr... anywhere between Palm Beach, Brissie or Redcliffe
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark brown
Height: Checking liscence.... 170cm!
Heritage: English most of the way, with a hint of Spanish! Cool eh!
Piercings: Did have one in each ear, but they gots infected and I had to take em out. Now I have permenant ear cysts.
Tattoos: Thought about it, but the thought of growing sick of it soon follows.
Band/Singer: Josh Groban... voice like velvet!
Song: Either Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen) or Jitterbug (WHAM!)
Movie: Moulin Rouge
Disney Movie: The Incredibles. Well that's Pixar I guess... so TRADITIONAL Disney I'll say Lady and the Tramp!
TV show: Whose Line is it anyway?
Color: Blue... not light tones though. More ya electric and royal blues.
Food: Pasta, choc chip cookies and garlic anything!
Pizza topping: Onion
Ice-Cream Flavor: Cookies n Cream
Drink (alcoholic): Midouri n Lemonade; Southern Comfort and Lemonade or Vodka and Orange
Soda: Hate fizzy drinks unless they're mixed with booz!
Store: JB Hi Fi. I'm a DVD geek.
Clothing Brand: Little Miss Shop do some gorgeous dresses.
Shoe Brand: Converse!!!
Season: All of em are great for their own reasons!
Month: The December/January months are always fun time
Holiday/Festival: Christmas!
Flower: Fushias are gorgeous.
Make-Up Item: HA! Funny question. Lip gloss!!
Board game: Scene It? Or Cluedo. Or Monopoly.
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Rainy is more rare and has that real nice cuddly feel about it.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla. Smells nice as a scent and tastes nice as a flavour. Chocolate can be stuffed up sometimes.
Fruit or veggie: Fruits are more tasty, vegies are more... 'just eat em coz they're good'.
Night or day: Daytime. Around that 3pm time of day.... day is nearly over, but night isn't quite there yet.
Sour or sweet: Sweet, sweet, sweet!!!
Love or money: Can I love money? Hehe. Nah, love gives you things money can't buy.
Phone or in person: I hate phone convos, definitely in person.
Looks or personality: Looks last all of a week, personality takes you a lot further
Coffee or tea: Tea. Coffee reeks and makes me nauseous.
Hot or cold: Depends on the season i guess! it's more satisfying being warmed up when its cold though (hot showers people!)
Goal for this year: Finish up all my freelancing jobs and get into permenant position at Liquid, go to Melbourne and see the Pixar exhibition with Paul, pay off my credit card, hopefully save up for a car, and enjoying life between all this!
Most missed memory: I do miss my days at TAFE. The place and people, I had so much fun those two years. I miss it heaps.
Best physical feature: Either my smile or my eyes? I'm guessing here.
First thought waking up: F*****************ck it's too early... no one should be getting up when it's still dark!!! *grumble grumble*
Hypothetical personality disorder: Goofy Cornyconia Sydrome
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Cutting up my credit card, when it's paid off!!!
Sesame street alter ego: Cookie Monster!!!!
Fairytale alter ego: Goldilocks... eats everything then goes to sleep hahaha.
Most stupid remark: Yea, go masturbate by yourself!
Worst crime: Stealing a teddy bear from Big W at Christmas. He was only small!
Greatest ambition: To run my own animation company, the old fashioned way!
Greatest fear: Great white sharks.... *shudder* evil
Darkest secret: As if I'd tell that here!
Favorite subject: French, Geography or Art
Strangest received gift: Uh... hmm I can't really think!
Worst habit: Biting my nails
Do You:
Drink: Yup. Love it.
Curse: Not veeeeeeeery often.
Shower daily: Nope. Water restrictions!
Like thunderstorms: LOVE em!!
Dance in the rain: Have done, and it was liberating!
Sing: All the time, to the stage that others want to hurt me.
Play an instrument: The Piano, since I was 7. So proud.
Get along with your parents: I love ma parents!
Wish on stars: I once wished for a starlight pony when I was about 7. I never got one. Stuff the stars. They're just balls of gas burning billions of miles away.
Believe in fate: Most definitely. What goes around, comes around.
Believe in love at first sight: Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... no I don't actually. Love at first sight it usually lust, people.
Can You:
Drive: Yes, now all I need is a car!
Sew: I can sew buttons to things, what a skill!
Cook: The basics, I can.
Speak another language: A teensy bit of french, and of course pig latin.
Dance: Badly.
Sing: Worsely.
Touch your nose with your tongue: Kind of actually!
Whistle: Yup!
Curl your tongue: Heheh. I can curl mine in 3 loops!
Have You Ever:
Been Stoned/High: Yea, and I hated it.
Eaten Sushi: Yup.
Been in Love: Yup, once and he's with me now! *Audience awwwwwwwws*
Skipped school: Nope. I was a square good girl.
Made prank calls: I did the... call then hang up thing. Lamo.
Sent someone a love letter: Nope... I don't think I have.
Stolen something: Yup. A teddy, and a cats cradle string.
Cried yourself to sleep: A few times. Not a good way to wake up in the morning.
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Fakeness.
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? 9:30pm.
Name three things you can't live without: Air, food, water. If this question excludes those, then 1. The people in my life right now 2. My hands 3. My piano.
What is the color of your room? It's yellow.
Do you have any siblings? 2 sistahs... Sezzah and Don-Don Head
Do you have any pets? YES!!!!! I LOVE MY PETS!!!!! 8 guppies, 8 guinea piggies and a budgie!!!!
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? If it covers bail or a jail sentence, then sure.
What is you middle name? Frances
What are you nicknames? KT (in writing), Kitty, Kato, Minxy (haha. don't ask)
Are you for or against gay marriage? For it.
What are your thoughts ..ion? I'm for it, if its early enough and if it was necessary. But I'm against abortion in third trimester, that's just barbaric.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Yup! And he's my squishy Paulie!
Are you afraid of the dark? Nope.
How do you want to die? Happily, satisfied and fulfilled.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 2 maybe.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? If I was wearing bulletproof clothing? LOL. Of course I would.
What is the last law you’ve broken? Speeding most likely.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Brunette.
Eye color: Dark. But blue eyes on a brunette is spellbinding.
Height Taller than me.
Weight Not obese, not skinny. Muscular, lean and even a little pooky is cool! Actually, Paul's physicque, funnily enough!
Most important physical feature: Face - smile, eyes.
Biggest turn-off Bad breath. Hairy. Smelly.
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My Interests

Animation, making movies, my gorgeous boyfriend, chilling and/or getting drunk with my pals, cartooning, illustration, movies, collecting DVD's, listening to decent music, singing to decent music, jazz music in general, playing the piano, chatting on MSN, chocolate chip cookies, Big Chief Burgers (YUMM!!!) surfing DeviantArt.com, bellydancing, bush or rainforest walks, photography... bah that'll do.


Josh Groban, Missy Higgins, The Cat Empire, Regina Spektor, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Little Birdy, Gorillaz, Harry Connick Jnr, Michael Buble, Queen, Tom Waits, Jeff Buckley, David Gray, Diana Krall, Elvis Presley...


Corpse Bride, Moulin Rouge, Team America: World Police, Zoolander, The Incredibles, Chocolat, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Love Actually, Dodgeball, Life is Beautiful, Amelie, Monster House, Howl's Moving Castle, The Producers, Finding Neverland, Pans Labyrinth, Lady and the Tramp, Sleepy Hollow, Finding Nemo, Edward Scissorhands, Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, From Hell, Father of the Brides (I and II), The Labyrinth, Beauty and the Beast, Secret Window, The Others, Phantom of the Opera


Whose Line is it Anyway?, Lost, House, The Family Guy, My Name Is Earl. Yea I guess I watch more movies huh!


Not really, but here's a poll to take up some room!!
If you had to eat ONE THING for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Ice Cream
Baked Beans
Garlic Bread
Get Code View Result

My Blog

Is he for you?

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show...
Posted by KT on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 09:56:00 PST


1 word quiz Word QuizYou.Can.Only.Type.One.Word.Not as easy as you might think. . . . . .1. Where is your cell phone?bedroom2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?paulie3. Your hair?wet4. What are you doing?ty...
Posted by KT on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 09:25:00 PST