"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell, Author of 1984
"It is hard to dismiss these concerns as “conspiracy theory†when many Bush administration officials used the most outrageous conspiracy theory of all—the legend that Saddam backed the 9/11 attacks—as pretext for invading Iraq." -- 9-11 Coverup Booklet
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies...if the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency...the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continents their father's conquered." -Thomas Jefferson, author of Declaration of Independence, one of our founding fathers who did everything in complete vain if we continue to let banks control our lives -(as slaves)
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds." - Sam Adams
"One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth, and there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revalation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth." -Delamer Duverus
I up to this point have always been a Democrat, but it's time to stop being a good Democrat or a good Republican and vote for someone who can TRULY FIGHT for what's left of our country, restoring it to its Constitutional integrity and its people's god-given rights. I'm not a Republican or Democrat any longer, not even a Libertarian, if anything I am a Constitutional Moderate because I believe that everything deserves due process and debate. It's time for change and I think all of you already know that, but I refuse to believe political rhetoric and when I choose my leaders I base my decisions on track record. Unfortunately, as human beings we function in the leader-follower format, so granted our leader should be Ron Paul. He is the true voice of the people and in my opinion is the Martin Luther King, Jr. of our time, the one that represents all races, creeds and sexual orientations - the individual.
I also want to clarify that I am NOT a revolutionary in the sense of Che Guevarra or any other similar entity. I am not a militant nor do I suggest that our American Revolution should in any way sense or form be militant. I think that just taking Cuba as an example of what a revolutionary militarism has done to a country should be enough to show how a revolution should be accomplished through different means. Human rights and civil liberties are oppressed in Cuba. Communism has left people without individual rights or property rights or freedom of anything. In fact the only thing that is working in Cuban is certain socialist ideas and even then, without the freedom of the population, all socialism, for all intents and purposes, is useless.
Here are the things I believe:
1) I believe in social responsibility and a FAIR & FREE MARKET distribution of wealth (not a equal and forced distribution) with a competitive free enterprise market that is determined by NATURAL forces of supply and demand and not a centralized government entity.
2)I believe in turning to leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Junior, Mahatma Ghandi, & Dr. Ron Paul for an example of what a true REVOLUTIONARY is.3)I believe in peaceful protest and domestic dissent toward a broken government which every day grows to powerful and dangerous proportions, because to be free one must incessantly defend the right to be free.4)I believe in the power of the people and the difference ONE PERSON can make in the fabric of society. I believe corporations are NOT people and are therefore the MOST DANGEROUS institution in the United States currently. Corporations will destroy this country.
5)I believe in the human spirit and the need to be free from all constraints forced upon us by sinister, oppressive and cynical, power-hungry men and women.
6) I believe in a single organizational and incomprehensible force, call it God or energy or whatever, that does not resemble human characteristics and therefore does not require us to worship or submit to it in any way.
7)I believe in a perpetual pursuit of truth, in science, in multi-dimensional observation and in the always expanding collective consciousness of a united society.
8) I believe that the power of the idea of family as the basic building blocks of this collective consciousness are essential for a functioning society. Family has no concrete definition and therefore the idea is maleable depending on its context.
9) I believe there can be no legitimate reason for self destruction except to either set yourself back spiritually or stop in your tracks forever.
10) I believe nature is more powerful and more understanding of its own organism that is the earth than any human, and no government should ever oppress its people to supposedly defend it. Governments will take infinite measures to expand its authority.
11) I believe we NEED to be part of a new American Revolution. An intellectual revolution against the military industrial complex and the private banking institutions that enslave us in their machine! We can't just cower and feel powerless. OUR POWER IS OUR KNOWLEDGE! IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS, IT IS DELAYED DESTRUCTION! So lay back all you want and keep leaving things to "those who can". If you continue to live in the darkness you will find yourself in an abyss so deep you will challenge the very foundations of your existence, then, you are as good as a laboratory rat. So, wake the fuck up!
Yes, as a species we are cruel, hateful, murderous, cynical, and downright evil -BUT- everything in life has a balance and we can be kind, loving, generous, benevolent, helpful, beautiful, and virtuous people. It's a matter of whether the people at the top see the glass half empty or half full. You can argue that they see the glass half empty and they enjoy seeing us destroy ourselves. They sit in their golden throne and laugh at how easy we're controlled, how content we are living in a dorment state, willing to relinquish our freedoms for a little false protection. What ever happened to every man for himself, protecting himself and his/her family? Do we really need a colossal scale government of powerful, rich, cynical, egotistical leaders whose intentions have never been the interest of the average person. They are dictators and they want to create empires on this small rock in the universe we call earth, and it's the only thing we've got. Empires rise and fall, but ideas can never die. Do you think you can permanently escape the oppressive forces by "moving to another country"? Haven't you heard of globalism? A one world government is a very real concept. Measures are already being taken-too many to really catch up. Stay awake, read between the lines, do not ignore anything simply from surface appeal, do not give up, do not isolate yourself and/or your family, and above all SAVE YOUR COUNTRY. Save OUR country, America. What we have left is a full-fledged dictatorship and the new face of fascism. You may not realize this right away, but it will affect each and every American someday when he/she realizes they are a SLAVE a SERF a SERVANT to their host government to their financial situation to the banks to the ones who run the banks, the elite and the future [current] rulers of the world. This is not exaggerated, this is the complete honest truth. OPEN YOUR EYES. I did.
"Fascism should properly be called corporatism because it is the marriage of corporation power with state power" - Benito Mussolini (WW2 Leader of the Nazi party in Italy).
Still, above all this you see how the WILL of people and their HOPE for a better future manifests in this vivid culture and in all cultures of the world.
I'm not girly in any conventional sense, but I don't epitomize the ideal manly man. Yet, I can't help from loving to be a man. I hate roles, I hate tags, I probably hate looking at you on the street. I feel love and pity for everyone at the same time. I live a day by day existence with a regressive loss of inspiration and interest in all things at times, but I can't help from appreciating everything I have, experience, and will experience. Sometimes I think I'm tormented, other times I think I'm gifted. Most of the time I can't get across anything I really mean to say and I forget everything worse than a goldfish. I love as much to be at home and be with people I love as I do love to go out and party with strangers and acquaintances I seldomly see. This is my life. Not to complicated, not too obsessed, not too focused, not too lost, just right.
I'm not famous, I won't be a legend, I'm terrible at small-talk and chit-chat, I forget how to have intelligent conversations, and although I am constantly educating myself I have a hard time remembering important things, but if you're REALLY amazing you will think I am amazing too. My mind is clogged, soaked and exhausted with information that I cannot process like I'd like to, so most of the time I'm not really paying attention to mundane things. But believe me that I see things, feel things and experience them on very deep levels.
Nobody knows what their purpose in this world is. What we know, and the only thing we know for sure, is that we're here right now and there is cause and effect. As long as you know the effect for every cause, or you can make an educated guess, then you're good to go. Too many people are "lost" or "bewildered" or "confused" about too many things. Whatever man. Seriously, there's nothing to be confused about. We have something miraculous called intuition and we should follow it to the best of our ability. I'm a firm believer in Karma, so believe that you will get what you deserve. In the end, we are only temporary in this world and everything in this world is a delicate balance. What goes around comes around, there's not doubt about that. Life has a way of balancing things out. So stop being so ungrateful or angry because most likely you've brought about your own misfortune.
I'm a pandora's box and a hot mess! I'm creative, extroverted, ambitious, confused, multifaceted, and altogether complex [crazy]. But, I'm also a genuinely loving and affectionate guy and at heart. In the end, I only want to be loved and respected like everybody else, and I've got plenty to give to everyone. I love making new friends, acquaintances, referrals, and partners in crime. So hit me up sometime if you feel up to it. Oh, and you gotta love cats. Or at least mine.
I'm crazy about music and I'm crazy about all things creative like the arts and crafts of all kinds. I have a high regard for artists and creative thinkers. People who think outside the box, bold, defiant, rebellious and colorful. THIS is me, THIS is who I am, and THIS is what I like to surround myself with.
Architecture was my chosen field of study since it's an all-emcompassing education on all aspects of culture and society. I feel that whether or not I become an architect, I will use my knowledge and experience to do something grand. I want to leave an impression and I want to be important. There's no room for compromise, I am not a speck in the universe. If you feel me, let it be known!
"Him I consider the architect, who by sure and wonderful reason and method, knows both how to devise through his own mind and energy, and to realize by construction, whatever can be most beautifully fitted out for the noble needs of man, by the movement of weights and the joining and massing of bodies." -Leon Battista Alberti on the Art of Building
Frank Lloyd Wright saw modernists as closet Communists with mechanistic views of human needs and worshipers of conformist minimalism in all things. I tend to agree.
am I voting for Ron Paul? Because my personal liberties, my freedoms, my freedom of choice, my essential humanity, the people of my country, our world peace, and my family's future depends on it. I'll vote for him even if I have to write him in as a protest vote. The popular vote doesn't count at all in choosing the president. In a republic, it's the electoral college, and they'll only choose Democrat or Republican so running 3rd party is not an option in our undemocratic country. A free-enterprise, Constitutional Republic from which our country stems is a grand experiment of our founding fathers and would be a shame to give up for a Socialist/Communist, state-owned plutocracy. As freedom fighters, as dutiful citizens, and truly patriotic Americans it is our personal responsibility to continue this grand experiment and to be the beacon of hope for the rest of the oppressed world, for it is better to lead by example then to lead by conquest. Love and the goodness of humanity will prevail.My favorite lines from Zeitgeist the Movie Documentary and how I see my views toward Christianity:
"Like every other pagan god, CHRIST is a mythical figure [see similarities between the Biblical, no historical, Christ and other deities from around the world, particularly Egypt] . It was the political establishment that sought to historize the Jesus figure for social control [see Constantine's empire and his use of Christianity]. It is spiritual fraud. It is the fraud of the age. It serves to detach the species from the natural world and likewise from each other.[you need only to assess your values as a Christian. Personally I believe this applies in the sense that we are all capable of higher forms of intercommunication as an intelligent species but feel we owe this psychic ability to an invisible un-human force]. It [religion] supports BLIND SUBMISSION [faith] to authority [unseen, unheard, unfelt God]. It reduces human responsibility to the effect God controls everything and in turn aweful crimes can be justified in the name of God. [one only has to see the history of not only Christianity but practically every other religion and "religious war" presently and in the past. history always repeats itself]"
"Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery." -Thomas Paine, Author of "The Patriot"
I've always had a problem with people's emotionality toward their belief. I think it's a human fallacy to believe so strongly as to put down another human being for not sharing your views. It happens in everything from politics to religion to science. In fact the only irrefutable language and most universal truth is mathematics. Nobody can deny simple arithmetic and concrete results (not including imaginary numbers as in Calculus or the 'infinity' value or complex geometric ideas because most are just speculative theories). Even language has multiple dimensions and nothing can be taken for what you initially believe it to be. Even when you read certain sentences, your mind can actually block out certain words in order to have a perceived idea of the meaning. A lot of what we research or believe is based on pre-conceived ideas. In fact, I can say the majority of people hardly ever truly consider something outside their own personal dogma. I feel at the VERY VERY LEAST you should be speculative about everything. Our ability to speculate, to question, to deny and to accept is the fundamental thing that makes us human. The problem I feel is that too many people take their initial "gut" feeling of the truth (whatever a "gut feeling" is...) as DOGMA. Our first reaction to any who oppose is the "what is wrong with you people!" complex and consequent tirades, anger lectures, and perpetual research to prove our point. I love blogs because it's a perfect example of people's anger management problems. It's their conceptual id speaking with their internet muscles trying to prove how much better their thought it. It's a primitive human instinct and has many parallels to other human behavior. How do you change that? I don't want to imply that we have to reduce our forms of expression of their emotional implications, but at the same time intellectual topics need to be discussed with a supreme level of neutrality. It's about declarative statements and an open, speculative mind. Passive aggressiveness will not get you any farther then a heated argument. To all, good luck in your lifelong intellectual pursuit.-Me ..