..So, basically, here we go again... Am I the only person on earth who would rather not have friends (I do have many wonderful friends), than be stuck not knowing if the people around you are true or not??? They say one thing, then you hear they say something else or do something completely different...Let me enlighten those who are of more naive and innocent nature. There are many different variations of Fake People, but here are the basics that every young lad or lassie should be aware of:The BackstabberWhether over boyfriends, girlfriends, grades, or popularity, the backstabber would slaughter and serve their grandmother on her best china to a pack of rabies-infested wolves. The only good intentions they have are the "what makes me look good?" intentions.The Miserly MoocherThese kinds of people will continuously beat you down with small requests, proceeding to suck the soul out of your poor shell of a body. After all of this they will ask you to pay for their third ice-blended mocha of the day-but don't worry, they'll getcha back later!Flaky McFlakersonAny derivative of the family McFlakerson tends to be overly joyous at the time of your meeting (usually a coincidental "bumping into"), promising dinner parties and thrift store outings without any intention of calling you. They even go to the trouble of writing down your number for the zillionth time and making sure to incorrectly spell your name. Vague plans roll off their tongues only to disappear forever into the black hole of reality.Non-Confrontational Drama Queens("Queens" can refer to all genders and sexualities: I personally have met an obnoxiously large amount of heterosexual male Drama Queens in my lifetime.) Long live Fear of Confrontation! Hip hip hooray! They are a most stubborn group, whose absolute terror of expressing emotions stems from their need to win the Most Pleasant Person of the World Award. To do this they avoid confrontation at all costs, which ends up starting the most heated fights because it frustrates and confuses the other party.And these four are only the beginning! But fear not, my friends, for you can combat Fake People through anticipation and action: always expect a person to be fake, and if they turn out to be so, then just silently motion for them to talk to the hand and walk away (preferably in a strutting fashion).