Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 profile picture

Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2

Choose one: I'm just sayin', All Senior Citizens Should Have LIFE ALERT, or That's too funny...

About Me

I think OJ did it.
My name is Christopher Patrick Partida. I am 24 years old, 25 in April, the 18th to be exact. I'm the 2nd of 4 intelligent boys. My mother's name is Elizabeth and my father's name is Michael. We are a broken home and I think better off that way. I've graduated from college and don't plan to go back unless someone else pays for it. I currently do web/graphic design. I am slowly getting sick of making websites and am enjoying graphic design much more. I like to take photos and dabble in various forms of fine arts, though like books, I rarely finish any of my projects. I love to travel, and spend time with my loved ones. I've seen 3 countries, including around 43 of the states. I have been fortunate in life, even though I've seen some rough times. I keep my head up and live life to it's fullest.
I've recently started many collections, some that I had already, but now am focusing more time and money into. They include: small animals (reptiles/amphibians/fish/etc.), records, vinyl toys, playing cards, cigars, photobooth photos, matches/lighters, knives, odd atrifacts, t-shirts, tattoo paraphernalia/tattoos, Sailor Jerry rum bottles and many other things.
I have an addictive personality, but not in any way that could hurt me. I spend frequently, sometimes more than I should. I try to work enough to keep myself afloat, it gives me a sense of pride. I wish I had better money handling skills, I will have to snap out of it someday soon.
I dislike it when my Ketchup/Catsup and Mustard touch, I do like it when my Mustard and Mayonaise touch. In reality, I haven't purposely ordered ketchup/catsup on anything in over 2 years. I plain gave it up. I dislike Sweet Relish, but I was very happy to find out about Dill Relish. I have a sense of humor you may not find funny at all, you may actually find it quite insulting.
I thought this was great, thanks, you're an asshole.

My Interests

Loving on CCR, music, art, food, good ass uptops, animals, run on sentences, cracking wise, laughing, movies, photography, getting/doing Tattoos, unagi, creating unfinished art projects, jokes, the way Messcan girls look like, driving, me, I like liking things.

I'd like to meet:

Those of you that have deleted


A few favorites: Face to Face (R.I.P.), Rage Against the Machine (R.I.P.), Beck, the Aquabats, Norma Jean, Converge, Violent Femmes, Refused (R.I.P.), Radiohead, Del the Funky Homosapien, At the Drive In (R.I.P.), Cave In (R.I.P.), Cursive, The Vandals, Sigur Ros, Descendents, Kool Keith/Dr. Octagon, Curl Up and Die (R.I.P.), The Chariot, Portishead, Dropkick Murphy's, Mike Patton, No Fun at All, El-P, Daft Punk, Jurassic 5, Between the Buried and Me, RJD2, CODE 415, MC Paul Barman, Dillinger Escape Plan, WRENCH, Misfits, Alexisonfire, American Nightmare/Give up the Ghost, Murder By Death, Dan the Automator, Rival Schools, The Presidents of the United States of America, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Second to All (R.I.P.), Blackalicious, Eazy-E, Tenacious D, KRS-ONE, AFI - pre drowning, Flogging Molly, Van Halen (not Van Hagar), Murder City Devils (R.I.P.), Black Flag, Ensign, Styx, Dead Kennedy's, International Noise Conspiracy, Gorillas/Space Monkeys, Dogwood, Scarlet, Good Riddance, The Specials, Spinal Tap, Journey, Dry and Heavy, Heiroglyphics, Drunken Tiger, Need New Body, TRS-80, Bear VS Shark, and much much much much more...


La Vita E Bella (Life is Beautiful) is my favorite movie, I've got a quote from LIFE (Eddie Murphy & Martin Lawrence) tattooed on my arm and I wish I had a copy of the video from our trip to tahoe 2k3.

Directors/ Screenwriters Spike Jonze, Wes Anderson, Stephen Spielberg, Michael Gondry, Cohen Brothers, Roberto Benigni, Charlie Kaufman, Darren Aronofsky, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Chris Cunningham, Alfonso CuarÛn, Jim Jarmusch and many more.I also love NETFLIX. Love like a man has for a DVD rental service.


My cable is stolen and fuzzy. My local channels are even worse. I watch a lot of Comedy Central and a few of FOX's animated shows. FLCL is a good one, as well as many of the Adult Swim lineup.


Back in 2003, my friend called me while I was in Lake Tahoe during the week of Christmas and informed me that they had caught Sadahm Hussein, he then went on to tell me that Sadahm's favorite book was the same as mine. That said, Ernest Hemingway once wrote a confusing, yet oddly amusing and erotic tale of a man and his struggle for self gratification, he called this book Old man and the sea. To the unlearned person, this was no literary movement, it was a giant piece of wtf?...Hunter S Thompson was more than most people think, more than just a drug-crazed man. His writing spoke out against the criminal injustice, and spoke for the common person.Animal Farm by George Orwell has always been a good read, I need to look into his other works, I hear 1984 is an eye opener.Miranda July has newly become a favorite author of mine. Her stories are so well written, I can't help but enjoy them.I haven't been an adimate fan of reading books, but great writers such as these, I largely respect.


Hitoshi Matsumoto.Seriously, I'm not sure if I have true to life heroes, but I do respect a lot of people.

Ralph Steadman, Roy Lichtenstein, Jeremy Fish, M.C. Escher, Hokusai, Christian Jacobs and many more.

Tattoo Artists
Norman "Sailor Jerry" Collins, Oliver Peck, Steve Bach, Bill Connor, Hori Ryu, Shawn Barber, Chris Garver, HEK-1, Scott Campbell, Mike Giant, Rick Walters, Robert Atkinson, Lucky, Bucky Crispin, Steve Schultz and many many more...
sailor jerry - good rum and great tattoo flash
Kari Byron

My Blog

So I recently turned a quarter century...

I don't think my birthday weekend could've been any better. First off the 18th landed on a Friday, perfect birthday day of the week in my opinion. I woke up feeling good, I hoped the rest of the day w...
Posted by Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 04:46:00 PST

How to beat your self up the good way...

Here I sit; without a voice, no ability to focus, aches and bruises, rasp in my throat, on the virge of being sick, charged full of vitamin C, with a burning arm, waiting for the day to end. "Wahh, cr...
Posted by Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 05:14:00 PST

My 42 mile drives to and from work will never be the same...

...I miss you cPod (iPod), the last few years together have been amazing. Even when you’d freeze up on me, I still loved you. I almost had you full, with just about 5gb left on your 60gb hard dr...
Posted by Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:49:00 PST

I rarely cave in to these types of things...

Here's how you play: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself, at the end choose 10 people to be tagged, list their names and why y...
Posted by Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 01:35:00 PST

"Your brother’s on the phone, he says it’s an emergency."

That explained the call that I had previously silenced in my pocket while sitting in on a meeting. It was an inevitable call I had been expecting for the last week...Rest In Peace Guadalupe "Lou" Part...
Posted by Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:27:00 PST

One of the craziest sounds ever is...

...the death rattle of a baby mouse.Before you start going all apeshit on me, it's a pinky. One of these:It was raised to feed other animals, like my 2 corn snakes. These:andI bought a couple of live ...
Posted by Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 01:01:00 PST

Happy 50th anniversary LEGO!

LEGOs were a huge part of my upbringing. I can easily attribute my early desire to be an astronaut or architect to playing with LEGOs for so long. I remember getting the space shuttle set for Christma...
Posted by Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 04:19:00 PST

Recommended Movie Trailers

Just a few you might be interested in:No Country For Old MenRevolver - Guy Richie*FUNNY GAMESThe Diving Bell And The ButterflyCloverfieldCity of Men (same producers as City of God, not director)I Am L...
Posted by Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 11:02:00 PST

I looked to the right and then it happened...

Last night I was hanging out on the deck with a certain Ms. Hajek at the Reyjek residence. I looked to the right to see about a noise I heard and that's when I felt it. For the first time in over 3 ye...
Posted by Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 01:11:00 PST

Kat Von D wants to steal Oliver Peck’s Guinness World Record...

Being the attention whore that she's grown to be, Kat Von D is going to try and do 400 tattoos. The catch is, there is only going to be one design. At least when Oliver broke the record (at 320 tattoo...
Posted by Chris Partida 2.71 wants his GIANT Trance X2 on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 03:59:00 PST