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What you say, honky sucker pig-head jive-turkey fool?

About Me

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I'm a big kid and a total geek, yup that's me. I love music, video games, computers and what ever is fun or interesting. I have 2 jobs, a recording studio, and lots of toys and very little time. What can I say my house is a big playground. I like to travel to new places, do new things and meet new people (I guess it's the A.D.D.). I think life is too short to wallow in the mire of self defeat, so we have to raise up and live life to it's fullest at our best and let nothing stand in our way
Like electricity I'm trying to find the path of lest resistance
Never broke into a car. Never hot-wired a car. Kid. I never broke into a trunk. I shall not cause harm to any vehicle nor the personal contents thereof. Nor through inaction let that vehicle or the personal contents thereof come to harm. That's what I call the repo code kid. Don't forget it, etch it in your brain. Not many people got a code to live by anymore.
One Day In Band Class
Kelly: Hey Steven do you like guys?
Steven: Yeah I like guys.
Kelly: Hey Todd do you like guys?
Todd: Yeah I like guys.
Kelly: Hey Jon do you like guys?
Jon: Yeah I like guys.
Kelly:(to substitue teacher)Hey do you like guys?
Substitute teacher: (w/lisp) My sexual preferences are none of your business.
Kelly: I was talking about potato chips.

My Interests

My faith, my family, friends, my studio, music, reading, lounging, trying to live a healthy and happy life, Identifying and accepting my short comings and trying to improve as a person

I'd like to meet:

Col. Walter E. Kurtz,Capt. Benjamin L. Willard,Sonic Youth, Rush, Kevin Spacey, Jimi Hendrix, The Pixies, Beastie Boys, Henry rollins, Samuel L. Jackson,Mitch Taylor, Chris Knight, Lazlo Hollyfeld,Roger'Verbal'Kint, Keyser Soze


too much to list, Jazz, blues, classical, alternative, rock, just about anything from the 60's and 70's, punk , new wave, synth pop, Lo-Fi, The Obscure
The Defect files, The Bone Smugglers
4 favorite songs
Shine (floor wax defective)
She's so French (elle est si française)
The Big Shoo


I own over 300 movies so I have no idea where to start... off the top of my head Repo Man, Ichi the killer, Hard boiled,Jackie Brown ( I just love Pam Grier) Battle Royale The Seven Samurai, Apocalypse Now, Caddyshack, Cool hand Luke, Boondock Saints

I was born to love you
I Was born to lick you face
I was born to rub you
But you were born to rub me first

One through nine, no maybes, no supposes, no fractions. You can't travel in space, you can't go out into space, you know, without, like, you know, uh, with fractions - what are you going to land on - one-quarter, three-eighths? What are you going to do when you go from here to Venus or something? That's dialectic physics.


Alias, Dave Chappelle's show, Family Guy, Futurama CSI, NCIS, anything dealing w/ history or science

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currently reading The Bible, Battle Royale, The Analog mans guide to vintage effects, Modern Recording Techniques and Guitar Heaven... or what ever is hanging around


My son Charles The bravest, strongest most beautiful person I'll ever know, My Mom and brothers, Todd, Steven and Simone
(they amaze and inspire me)

Nathan and Sara (They're the coolest)

My Blog

A real Mothers love

So it's like 2am, I haven't had a drink in over 2 weeks, can't sleep, still sick, bummed over the news my Great-Grandma passed away and my mind is running north at 110 per. I had to write. I didn't kn...
Posted by Kel on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 01:09:00 PST

Whack Jobs

Ok so earlier I was having a nice chat w/ a good friend, and as we usually do got on the subject of people (and extreme ironing) and it's not so much as slagging people we know (and we do) but people ...
Posted by Kel on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 06:05:00 PST

Idiots Rule!!!

This was sent to me by a friend. All I can say is "What's wrong with people?" Yep that's right, your eyes don't decieve you it's a power strip floating on flip flops...
Posted by Kel on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 01:20:00 PST

Ass, Tobacco, Green Trees and What cant be defined

Good morning everyone. Once again I'm up early and being productive. Things have been pretty serious and thought provoking lately, well today I'm feeling pretty silly and I've missed that side of me. ...
Posted by Kel on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 08:53:00 PST

Man wrong is wrong

What just happened? It's like 8am and I'm not sleeping but up and cleaning I guess it's just my day to actually be productive. So I was thinking which I do a lot (oft times too much). How most of...
Posted by Kel on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 07:16:00 PST

The Evolution of Kel

I'm sitting here thinking, no drinking tonite. Just some coltrane, my thoughts and me. Man what a crazy week it's been, but eay things gon be all right. I've learned a lot about people and myself and ...
Posted by Kel on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 11:30:00 PST

Id rather be alone than settle

Ok so I'm sitting here having a drink, thinking and having to write this whole thing all over again b/c of a stupid myspace error. So here it goes again and I hope I can remember it all... Do we reall...
Posted by Kel on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 09:38:00 PST

That’s swinging man

I'm sitting here nursing a vodka and soda, listening to Coltrane and thinking, tomorrow is going to be a great day. I'm in a very happy place happier than I've been in months. I'm sitting in the studi...
Posted by Kel on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 09:16:00 PST

Man I gotta quit drinking or learn to clean up the empties

Well as I spoke of in a previous blog. My son came to visit. Now seeing as I work a lot (2 jobs) and live by myself I like to have a few beers before bed, but I don't always pick up the empties. Well ...
Posted by Kel on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 06:26:00 PST


Ok this is the opitome of sad. My son recently visted and his mother and sister stayed here also. Well my sons mother and I don't always see eye to eye on things and well was getting on my last nerve ...
Posted by Kel on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 06:11:00 PST