ganik profile picture


multum in parvo

About Me

Ganik got interested in different styles of electronic music in the early 90s and eventually found most comfort in the sounds of the legendary "Loops" parties in "Aquarius" club in Zagreb. After a few years of clubbing and experience gaining he got involved in promoting underground music parties in the notorious Old Castle of Mikulici, where many eminent techno dj’s from that time performed.

In 2000 he started producing his own music, simultaneously bought his first pair of decks and eventually upgraded it to a three turntable setup. Later on, he upgraded his music setup by using Ableton Live! which brought his music performance to a much higher level.

In a constant search for the new and innovative music styles and sounds, Ganik now focuses more on "deep" and "minimal" music, that is also the sound he currently presents in his own production and performances.

My Interests


after hours!


Music: my life :)

some labels i like

[no particular order]

chain reaction, basic channel, maurizio, main street, deepchord, octal, minus, clink, klickhaus, ltd400, foundsound, underline...

some netlabels i like

[no particular order]

year of the machine, thinner, realaudio, kyoto, instabil, unfoundsound, igloo....

some artists i like

[no particular order]

dario zenker, ralph sliwinski, marco zenker, koba, franco cinelli, leonel castillo, plastikman, troy pierce, jon gaiser, marko fürstenberg, fluxion, rod modell, kit clayton, sutekh....

more info:

My Blog

17-05-2007 - ekstrakt grey @ Aquarius (Zagreb)

croatia | zagreb | aquarius | thursday | 170507 | 22h ekstrakt grey je projekt u sklopu konceptualnog projekta ekstrakt. ekstrakt grey ce vam prezentirati mlade nade uz vec afirmiran...
Posted by ganik on Tue, 08 May 2007 01:00:00 PST

05-04-2007 - ekstrakt w. marko fürstenberg & octex @ Aquarius (Zagreb)

zagreb | aquarius | cetvrtak | 050407 | 22h   ekstrakt je novi klubski projekt koji ce se odr~avati jednom mjesecno u kultnom zagrebackom klubu aquarius. cilj projekta je pribli~iti publici s...
Posted by ganik on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 11:29:00 PST

new mix online ;)

like subjest says, new mix is online, check it if you like it :) ============================================================ ==== ganik live at exile.light, belgrade [SCG] 17-03-06 =====...
Posted by ganik on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 04:11:00 PST