Wendy profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Ultimate About You Survey
First Impression
What's your name ?: Wendy Campion
Date of birth ?: 17-01-86
Height ?: 5"7'
What grade are you in ?: Left School Years Ago!
Whats your natural hair color ?: Brown
What color eyes do you have ?: Blue
Do you wear contacts or glasses ?: Yes
Do you color your hair ?: Sometimes
Are you high maintenance ?: Not Really
What jewelry do you wear daily ?: My Engagement Ring
Getting Personal
Who is your best friend ?: Err Steve I Guess
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex ?: Steve lol
Where do you currently live ?: Cornwall
Do you play any sports ?: Haha No
If so, what are they ?: See Ubove lol
Are you outgoing ?: Nope
Are you comfortable with the way you look ?: Yep
What kind of grades do you get in school ?: Average and Ubove
Have you ever failed a test ?: Nope
What is your favorite food ?: Chicken
Favorite color ?: Blue
Lucky number ?: 7
Do you have any pets ?: Yea 1
If so what are they ?: Hamster
Any siblings ?: 3
What are their names and ages ?: Dean 24, Leigh-Anne 18, Jemila 9
At what age do you hope to be married ?: 22 or 23
Want kids ?: YES!!
How many ?: 4
Where would you like to go to college ?: Nowhere ive gone past that stage in my life lol
What profession would you like to have ?: Mum
Do you have a car ?: Nope
If so, what kind ?: /../../../../../../../..
Do you get along with your parents ?: Yep
What grade have you enjoyed most so far ?: Year 11
Where do you shop at most often ?: Waterstones
Is life unfair ?: Depends
Do you like to smile ?: Yes
Do people see you as friendly or mean ?: I dont know
Love Life & Relationships
Are you currently in a relationship ?: Yes
If so, what is his/her name ?: Steve
What is your orientation ?: Straight
What is your longest relationship ?: 5 years
Would you rather hook up or have a long term relationship ?: im engaged what do you think???
What qualities do you look for in a girl/guy ?: Dunno
Do you like being single ?: Hell no
Have you ever cheated on a gf/bf ?: Err yea
Have you ever been cheated on ?: No idea
Is Valentines Day a stupid holiday ?: Yep
Are looks important to you ?: Not really
Do you currently have a crush on anyone ?: Yea
If so, who ?: My fiance
Do they know ?: I would think so
Do they like you back ?: I bloody hope so lol
Do you believe in kissing on the first date ?: Yea why not?
Have you ever been in love ?: Of course
Have you ever had your heart broken ?: Yes
The Choice Is Yours
Day or night ?: Night
Black or white ?: Black
shoes or no shoes ?: No shoes
walk or run ?: Walk
beach or country ?: Country
ocean or lake ?: Lake
travel by car or plane ?: Car
dr. pepper or pepsi ?: Dr pepper
starbucks or java daves ?: Neither dont like coffee
tv or radio ?: Radio
mtv or vh1 ?: Vh1
kisses or hugs ?: Hugs
sleeping or eating ?: Sleeping
lunch or dinner ?: Dinner
nike or adidas ?: IM NOT A CHAV!!!
shorts or pants ?: Trousers
sunshine or rain ?: Rain
pool or hot tub ?: Pool
friends or family ?: Family
cake or ice cream ?: Cake
More Questions
Do you enjoy taking surveys ?: Maybe
What time is it ?: 10.55 pm
What day is it ?: Wednesday
Is there something you should be doing ?: Having a Bath
Any plans for the weekend ?: Working
What are your views religiously ?: Im an Athiest
Would you ever consider adoption ?: Yes
Have you ever layed under the stars ?: Yes
Who is your hero ?: My Mum
Would you rather
Rescue someone, or someone rescue you ?: Rescue someone
Have 100 good friends or 3 best friends ?: 3 best friends
Sleep or eat ?: Sleep
Be a plus size supermodel or a skinny rocket scientist ?: Plus size rocket scientist
Go skydiving or scuba diving ?: Scuba diving
Swim with the sharks or hold a poisonous snake ?: Sharks
Eat a 10 lb. steak or 12 gallons of ice cream ?: Steak!!!!
Run a marathon or cycle the tour de france ?: Niether!!! im lazy
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site
Hey YOU! This is YOUR life...
Fill it out and put it somewhere where everyone can look at it
Name as it appears on birth certificate: Wendy Frances Campion
Nicknames: Wen
Eye color: Blue
Place of birth: Watford
Favorite food: Spagetti Bolognaise
Ever been to Africa? Nope
Ever been toilet papering? Nope
Love someone so much it made you cry? Yep
Been in a car accident? Almost
Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons
Favorite day of the week: Thursday
Favorite restaurant: The Meadery
Favorite flower: Err no idea
Favorite sport to watch: None
Favorite alcoholic drink: Malibu
Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla
Disney or Warner Bros.: Disney
Fast food restaurant: Depends on my mood
Bedroom carpet color: Cream
How many times did you fail your driver's test? I havent
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Ottaka's
Bedtime? Haha dont have one
Favorite TV shows: Bones, Stargate, That 70's Show, Scrubs
Last person you went out to dinner with: Steve
Ford or Chevy? Ford
What are you listening to right now? The T.V.
What is your favorite color? Blue
Lake, ocean or river? Ocean
How many tattoos do you have and what kind? None
Have you ever run out of gas? Nope
What are you reading? Nothing at the moment
What is your favorite board game? Monopoly
What is your favorite sound? Huh???
What is your favorite SMELL? Freshly cut grass
Worst feeling in the world? Heartbreak
Names of future children? Sarah, Brodie.....
What is most important in life? Family
If you could play an instrument what would it be? Flute
What was your first car? Ive never had one
If you could go back in time, who would you like to speak to or hang with? My mum when she was my age
Do you type with all fingers on the keyboard? Yep
What is under your bed? Lots of things
Say at least one nice thing about the person whom you copied this from: If she werent my sister she'd be a great friend
If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? In a remote location
Comedy or Horror? Comedy
What was the LAST CD that you bought? Errr i really cant remeber
Do you believe in the "afterlife"? Yep
What is your favorite Season? Spring
Which do you prefer: Sushi or Hamburger? Hamburger
What is your favorite cartoon? Drawn Together
Ever break someone's heart? Yea
How many times? Once i think
If you could correct one mistake you have made in life, what would it be? Never start smoking
What do you think is the most beautiful thing in the world? Waterfalls
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Beer, wine, or liquor? Liquor/spirits
Favorite city in the WORLD? i dont like cities
Why do you live where you live now: because its quiet and by the sea
Who is your greatest role-model: My mum
Life changing experience: ?
*~Opposite Sex~*
3 words that describe your soul mate: Gorgeous, Funny, Lovable
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Blue
Athletic or EMO: Neither
Do you have a crush: Nope
If yes, Do they know it: ......
Do you have a "significant other": Yes
If yes, How long have you been dating: 4 1/2 years
How long do you think you last: Till one of us is dead
Have you ever been in love: Yes
What is the 1st thing that attracts you to a person: No idea
Will you ever marry: Yep
If you have a "significant other" will that be the person you marry: Yep
Perfect Date: Dont do "dates"
Greatest Physical feature of your crush/significant other: Hahahahaha im not answering that!!!!!
This is your life.... Is it what you were hoping for???
Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates a six
your best quality is you help friends in need
your worst quality is ha nothing! you rule!
this is because its genetic
Quiz created with MemeGen !
What Kingdom Hearts Character are you? by Tenchi856
Your Road
You Are
Quiz created with MemeGen !
What do the Kingdom Hearts characters think of you? (girls only) by DeLylah
Sora thinks you're.... cute
Riku likes your... boobs
Kairi dislikes your.... personality
Cloud loves your... eyes
Leon wonders if you... have really slept with as many guys as Kairi says you have
Ansem finds you.... cute
Sephiroth wants you... to kick him in his nuts!
The guy you end up with in the end Cloud
heres a little video i made while bored, enjoy!!

My Interests

reading and playing rpgs.....




serenity, event horizon, fifth element, all kevin smiths films and all adam sandlers


stargate: sg1 and atlantis, battlestar galactica, scrubs, bones, weeds, + more that i cant think of right now


hmmm too many to list lmao, but at the moment i am reading robin hobb. and all other fantasy i can get my hands on


my mum