Music, painting, dancing, laughing, smiles all around....seem so distant at times, but if you look at the sun you'll see the spots that fill in the gaps.Strip includes-Models from "Scent of Pretty" fashion and product launch show (I painted on them), Me painting, me with my paintings, Lila Downs (she's so rad) with me!!..
Louise Brooks-Blackbird
80's, 70's, 60's, 50's, MaRk FaRIna, PoRtisheaD, BjOrk, BeeThOveN, MoZarT, SalSa, HiP-hOp, OlD sKoOl BreAk BeAts, tORi AmOS, MaZZy StaRR, MiStresS BarbarA, Ani D'FraNcO, DisTillErs, Dj cOlleTTe, DrUm-n-BaSE, MadoNNa, PoStal SerViCe, JiMMy HendRix, gReeN VelvEt, JuAnes, El TRi, AmbIsHn, ContRoL MacHete, MolOko, eStherO, GolDfraPp, AllisOn mOyet, ThE doOrS...I lOvE MuSIc...JuSt tOO mAny tO nAme!!.. width="425" height="350" ..
mspobj type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="270" width="435" style="width:435px; visibility:visible; height:270px;" border="0"
You're Lili St. Cyr!
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You Kicked My Dog
Discovery Channel, Adult Swim...that 70's show!
tHe DiCtiOnaRy, CelEstIne PrOpheCy, tHe 10Th InSiGht, ThE GivinG TreE, A LiGht iN tHe AtTic, mOmmY DeAreSt, ThInnEr, ThE PrOphEt, GreEn eGgs aNd haM, All bOOks by EdGar Allen pOe