Riot Grrrl Porltland, ME profile picture

Riot Grrrl Porltland, ME


About Me

Riot Grrrl is:
BECAUSE we know that life is more than physical survival and are patently aware that the punk rock 'you can do anything' idea is crucial to the coming angry grrrl rock revolution which seeks to save the psychic and cultural lives of girls and women everywhere, according to their own terms, not ours.
- Riot Grrrl Manifesto.
Bikini Kill Issue 2

This is Riot Grrrl Portland Maine chapter. We seek to share and validate experiences as women in Maine. Our goal is to create a community of creativity and support among girls and ladies in and around Portland Maine through punk rock, zine making, grrls nights, community art projects and any other forms of expression we can think of. We are a culturally open organization and seek as much diversity different perspectives as possible. Most of all we are about GRRRLS rocking. Us Maine grrrls fucking rock! Lets let the world know!
"Don't freak out 'cuz [sic] the jigsaw is laying on the floor and it's not all the way done and has been there for 4 whole hours now, resist the freak out. You will get it... it's all part of the process." - Kathleen Hanna Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

REVOLUTION, women, equality among genders, races, and classes, cultural diversity, PUNK ROCK, sexuality, reproductive rights, community, PORTLAND MAINE, learning our histories, processes of genderization, racialization, and sexualization, the RIOT GRRRL movement of the 1990's, EMPOWERMENT through validation, education and FEMINISM

I'd like to meet:

Grrrls, Ladies, Punk Rockers,


The music we make




Kathleen Hanna, Tobi Vail, Jen Smith, Kathi Wilcox, Corin Tucker,