im interested in control, pyschology, drawing, fashion, music, travel, my best friends, swim club, my academics, my love life, and lastly but certainly not leastly life.
up with my cousins again, my boyfriend again, my economic teacher again and yell at him and tell him he's a jerk for the grade he gave me.
I am a fan of tunes with a good beat. I played the viola for 6 years and I really enjoyed being in the orchestra and getting lessons. I think that music really can make me feel better. A good sad song always puts me in a better mood when i am upset. It's a release and it can be a gamble, but i love music.
The first Fantasia, The God Father movies, Alice in Wonderland, Hook, Finding Neverland, Alladin, Amelie, Crash, American History X, and The Royal Tenebaums, Broken FLowers
Mom, Dad, my mom's parents and Jessica