My interests is any kind of music whether it's rock or classical. I can listen to just about anything.
Jessica Simpson and Carmen Elektra oooo those are two mighty fine senoritas!!!
Rock, hip hop, pop, country, rap (some rap), and classical. I hope I'm not forgetting any.
Just Friends, 40 Year Old Virgin, Waiting, Star Wars (hey i'm a guy bite me), all Rambo movies, all Rocky movies, all American Pie movies, and basically anything with blood or violence.
Family Guy, Futurama, Mind of Mencia, (basically anything on Comedy Central), and my guilty pleasure.....American Idol, i know i know its a stupid show but i happen to like it so eat me.
I hate reading, never did it in school so why start now.
Sarah C-ronan i ruv her, Goo Goo Dolls, Holly for showing me what love really was, and the biggest influence of my little baby brother