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Dig Up

Another day - fight for life...

About Me

Dig Up(biography)

The beginnings of the band happened in October 2002 when Bazyl & Macko met. After talking we soon realised that we had a similar musical vision and the idea of playing together was born. That is how Dead Point rose out of the ashes. We knew that with only two artists shit would happen so an old school friend of Macko was asked to join. His name is Slawek. We began to rehearse together and soon started to create our first tracks which seemed to develop with a life of their own. We needed someone else with an ugly mug who could scream our lyrics out with a loud guttural roar. Bazyl realised that he already knew Dominik, who filled the free place within the band. Next to join us was Skut (custom percussion). After six months rehearsing and a few concerts in our home town of Zywiec, we created our first CD. The material on the CD Dead Point was recorded thanks to the sound engineers amongst our friends. The music that we created together was in an amateur studio, so the sound was not perfect. We paid for the creation of this CD out of our own pockets. There are eleven tracks on the CD with the last being an instrumental. You can hear a mixture of classical and acoustic guitar. All the other tracks on the CD are made up of metalcore. In 2005 the band decided to change its name. We had our own reasons for making this name change. It was associated with a change of music style as well as a new guitarist joining the band - Wojtas. He joined us when we were working on our new CD. Having new material, during the recording we then became Dig Up. You need to know that the new name for our band was hidden within our minds and sole and was waiting to be released. The name is simple and without useless theory. The CD called Such Truth (Taka prawda) has ten songs and like the previous album it includes an instrumental track. The CD is opened with an intro and then you can hear a mixture of metalcore tracks that are slightly different from the previous album. There is also a change in the style of lyrics and most of the tracks are in Polish. This material was made with the great help of our sound engineer friend Pawel Kurowski. Group has scored the first win in 2006 on review of amateur group in Dabrowa Górnicza. In June 2007 Skut has left the band couse the point of view of difference of opinion (sentence) on certain cases . July 2007 - Slawek leaves group by the reason of personal. Place of second guitarist occupies from june 2007 Mariusz Patka from Bielsko-Biala. At present the band is still creating new music and is trying to play as many concerts as possible.

Dig Up(biografia)

Poczatki zespolu siegaja pazdziernika 2002 roku. Wtedy to doszlo do spotkania Bazyla i Macka. Okazalo sie, ze mieli podobne gusty muzyczne i pomysly na granie. Takim wlasnie sposobem powstal zespól DEAD POINT. Wiadomo, ze we dwóch gówno by zdzialali wiec do skladu dolaczyl dobry kumpel Macka z czasów szkolnych Slawek. Zaczelismy grac pierwsze próby i próbowalismy tworzyc jakies kawalki, które mialyby rece i nogi. Potrzebny byl jeszcze ktos, kto glosno darlby ryja. Okazalo sie, ze Bazyl znal juz wczesniej Dominika, który zajal wolne miejsce. Nastepny dolaczyl do ekipy Skut (instrumenty perkusyjne). Po okolo szesciu miesiacach prób i kilku koncertach w rodzinnym Zywcu, udalo nam sie nagrac plytke. Material na plyte Dead Point nagrany zostal dzieki pomocy znajomych akustyków. Brzmienie uzyskane w calkiem amatorskim studio pozostawia wiele do zyczenia. Plytka jest wydana wlasnym kosztem. Znajduje sie na niej 11 utworów, z czego ostatni to numer instrumentalny. Mozemy w nim uslyszec gitare klasyczna i akustyczna. Pozostale kawalki to szeroko pojety metalcore. W marcu 2005 roku zespól podjal decyzje o zmianie nazwy. Wplynelo na to kilka powodów, które nie maja tu wiekszego znaczenia. Wiazalo sie to miedzy innymi ze zmiana muzyki, jak równiez z poszerzeniem skladu o drugiego gitarzyste Wojtasa. Dolaczyl on do nas podczas, gdy pracowalismy nad nagraniem nowej plytki. Majac juz nowy material, w trakcie nagrywania powstal DIG UP. Plytka pt. Taka Prawda zawiera 10 utworów, podobnie jak na pierwszej znajduje sie tu numer instrumentalny. CD otwiera intro, nastepnie uslyszec mozna metalcorowe kawalki, które odbiegaja znacznie od wczesniejszych dokonan zespolu. Nastapila takze zmiana w tekstach. Znajduja sie tu w wiekszosci numery w jezyku polskim. Material powstal dzieki pomocy i ogromnemu wkladowi pracy znajomego akustyka grupy Pawla Kurowskiego. W roku 2006 zespól zajal pierwsze miejsce na przegladzie zespolów amatorskich w Dabrowie Górniczej. W czerwcu 2007 Skut opuscil zespól ze wzgledu na róznice zdan na pewne sprawy. Lipiec 2007 - zespól opuszcza Slawek z powodów osobistych. Od czerwca 2007 miejce drugiego gitarzysty obsadza Mariusz Patka z Bielska-Bialej. Obecnie zespól wciaz tworzy nowa muzyke i stara sie grac jak najwiecej koncertów.


[email protected]
tel. (+48)502 146 370

My Interests


Member Since: 3/22/2006
Band Website: digup.prv.pl
Band Members:

Sounds Like: Dig Up - "Nie mów nie" (20.04.2007, MCK Zywiec)

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Rate from Brewery Rock Festival

In Muzzo.pl portal has appeared rate from Brewery Rock Festival. You can watch it here....
Posted by Dig Up on Tue, 13 May 2008 12:17:00 PST

Check us on Muzzo.pl

We have started up our profile on Muzzo.pl  Check this www.dig-up.muzzo.pl
Posted by Dig Up on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 09:55:00 PST

English version of Official Site

15.02.2008 - We have started up an english version of site.
Posted by Dig Up on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 03:59:00 PST