Jarvenstein profile picture


We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy......

About Me

Our coffee stains and dusty coughing. You're always dressed and buttoned up. And your hair pinned up in circles worn like a widow to second the motion of second nature. Like two rafts knotted and still where sound is lost and found. But I fear its all coming back to me. Under that threat of sky we lie together, why we care about the weather... It only ends in dark.

My Interests

http://nosurp.deviantart.com http://last.fm/user/nosurp

I'd like to meet:

as I'm standing across this room I feel as if my whole life has been leading to this one moment. And as I touch your shoulder tonight this room has become the centre of the entire universe. So what do I do? I've got a slightly sick feeling in my stomach And I see flashes of the shape of your breasts and the curve of your belly And they make me have to sit down and catch my breath.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment




one flew over the cuckoo's nest