shopping with my friends, lying on the beach and swimming, adventure or being anywhere with someone....LOL my own word of human. i mean human should have moral and ethic in own mind. no need to be monk or priest..but just only you are not criminal or sickness person...i agree to be your friend. Myspace Generators
I like Jazz music but most of Jazz's singers i don't know them much.Actually i can listen all kind of music whatever types of music..but i love Pussycat Dolls song named 'Stickwitu' the most.
Myspace Music Video Codes
comedy, romantic, horror, action, adventure .....any
comedy TV show, beauty variety, or music video
Geisha, A lesson before die, umm and these are the books my English teacher ask me to read.there are Just good friend,the old man and the sea,love story,ironing man,high life low life,chemical secret etc.
My dad and my brothers, because they are super smart men for me(although they are not smart for others). I hope that my future boyfriend will be my hero too..who are u?...Yoo Hoo