This month, we’ve been playing GOW and Lost Planet multiplayer and lashings of Virtua Tennis 3 and PES 5 at lunchtimes.
What games are you lot particularly enjoying this month? Write in and let us know!
You’re admiring our gorgeous GM MySpace wallpaper, aren’t you? Get with the programme and download it in Blue , Black , or White flavours, and don’t say we never give you anything…
Fancy getting your name up in lights on GM's MySpace page?
'Course you do! Online is the perfect way for you guys and gals to send us stuff like reviews, opinion pieces and the like. So how's about it? If you fancy yourself as a games journo-in-waiting and want to send in reviews, previews, features and opinion pieces/rants of your own this is the place to do it!
So get in touch by mailing your work to [email protected] and we'll stick the best efforts up on our Myspace and Bebo blogs. If you wanna be famous, get scribbling!
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Frank West, Solid Snake, Leon Kennedy, Mario, Sonic, CJ, Lara, Master Chief, Gordon Freeman and even Kirby from time to time.
Why not tell us who your fave heroes and villains are and why...