traveling traveling traveling, painting, concerts, clubs, warehouse parties, festivals, camping, sundays at the beach...
Techno, Dub, House, Disco, Soul, Reagge, Dance-Hall, hip-hop, Funk, Experimental, Sound Music, Jazz, Salsa, ethnic music...
The Doors, Requem to a dream, Sin City, ET(my fave oldtimer),but I'm also interested in film that subverts, that makes us think... What the bleep do we know -is a good one, Fog of War, Loose Change, Motorcicle Diaries, th corporation, the Revolution will Not Be Televised.
Hardly ever watch it, but when I do I watch the univision or televisa soap opera while hanging with mom. Mybe the comedy channel, something light, hate the news, it's all propaganda...
MUTANT MESSAGE FROM DOWN UNDER, The four Agreements, Angels and Demonds, The Alchemist, Art Forum, and a few more...
My grandpa, Mom, my sis, dad, Lee Krasner, Kandinski, Eva Hesse, Georgia O"Keefe, Ghandi, many more...