well i skate alot (when its not raining) listen to alot of music and love going out and partying Woot Woot!!!!!! other then that iam pritty boring iam afraid lol
Every one and any one that is cool or "peachy" hahaha :P
Tip top films hahah well the classics T2 and the Highlander but if ya going for more recent films then would have to be Dead Mans shoes, South west Nine and alot of Anime hahah watch shit loads of it hahah fucking awsome :P
BBC3 comady lol and stand up so yea mainly funny stuff but not American comady its all rather obvious and just plain so Mitch does not agree lol
Hmmm books lol not really a good one for books lol read loads of books but most of them are crap haha dont really have a good mind for them iam afraid but on the upside means i dont have to buy the things lol
Heroes ? aint that a t.v program hahaha :D:D:D sorry that is just pedantic no dont really have any then best person you can ever look up to is yourself cos if ya cant look up to yourself then how do you exspect to look up to anyone