I'd like to meet:
Mary Boone
Joanna Newsom, Deerhoof, Arcade Fire, Unwound, RFTC, Blonde Redhead, My Bloody Valentine, Jawbreaker, Mirah, pee, Hot Snakes, Blood Brothers, Notwist, Modest Mouse, Pinback, Screeching Weasel
Mulholland Drive, Demonlover, Dawn of the Dead (both of them), Audition, Rushmore, Blue Velvet, Lost in Translation, Biozombie, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Sweet Hereafter, Star Wars (excluding the two super terrible ones), Funny Games, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Incredibles, The Neverending Story, Robocop, Spirited Away, Annie Hall
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Daily Show, Six Feet Under, Twin Peaks
Pastoralia, Oryx and Crake, Stranger Things Happen, The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, Mediated, Civilwarland in Bad Decline, The Rainbow Stories, The Crying of Lot 49, After the Quake, Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, V, The Handmaid's Tale, The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations Millennium General Assembly, You Bright and Risen Angels, The Wall of the Sky-the Wall of the Eye, Kafka on the Shore, As She Climbed Across the Table (I could go on but I won't)