Painting. reading, writing poetry, drawing, exploring New York, traveling, sunbathing, swimming in the ocean, nude beaches, being naked, lovemaking, Michael Bennett, orgasms, philosophy, art, cinematography, light, horseback riding
others like me
300, The Prestige, The Fountain, Million Dollar Baby, Mar Adentro, Chocolat, The Incredibles, V for Vendetta, Batman Begins, Como Agua Para Chocolate, Fight Club, Big Fish, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Frida, Sin City
Discovery Health! How its Made, Build it Bigger, House, I'm addicted to home improvement shows, and design shows, lol
"Atheism: The Case Against God" by George H. Smith, "Atlas Shrugged", "The Virtue of Selfishness" by Ayn Rand, "Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand" by Leonard Peikoff
Ayn Rand, John Galt, Howard Roark, Michael Bennett