My computer and all the things I can do with it are my interests. that and work.
99% of TV sucks. but I watch a few things....varied taste like UFC fighting to CSI. supernaturals, and Heroes are cool new shows as well :)
Well I have already Met all the guys from KISS, so hmmmmmmm who would I like to met? In the music biz? Prolly would like to met OZZY and try to have an intelligent conversation with him :) As for just anyone in the entertainment world? I'm sure It would be Johnny Depp so I could tell him how amazing he is, and just praise his work.
Right now? anything that MikeDees23 is playing!Wait till you hear some of the other songs he has. :)
King Kong (1933),Young Frankenstein,The Warriors
Nowadays? UFC ! In the past all the good 70's sitcoms, and shows, to numerous to type.
Anything by Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman, and anything by P.N.Elrod
MY heroes have always been the men and women who serve our country, just like I did, and my father, and my grandfather, and so on.