Mothers drible constent Verble Diarea............. profile picture

Mothers drible constent Verble Diarea.............

25 feb 2008" Gender 21 years old City, STATE United States Last Login: Today "

About Me

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My Interests

Music, art, therese, gettin pissed smoking,

I'd like to meet:

A mistral little elf named googhleighman who wears 18th century outfits and reads to me when ever I want! he would sit in a throne at the corner of my room, have a big red face and triple chin be 3ft4 and talks like a English lion of Narnarnar o ya and has a really cool hat!!! o'well maybe one day googlehighman PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


Velvet underground, Lue Reed, Tori Amose, Red Hot chilly peppers, placebo, The prodigy, 80's Andy Wahole "Art Bands", The doors, The Smiths, Tomas Newman, and many more.; I dont have a particular type of music I’m devoted to. If i like the sound of it Im into it if i dont i dont. no particular Genera. one thing I do HATE though is RnB & Hip hop! Other than that im pritty open minded!!!


Steven King films, Rocky horrer picture show, Party monster, Amrican butiey, Shining, The Doors movey, Shadows of the spotless mind, Butterfly effect, butiful thing, The naked cicvle Servent, Boys dont cry, the Crying game, weard late nite BBC film, the list gose on! love ma films!


Don’t watch tat much TV. Like sex and the City and the occasional Hollyockes session but that’s bout it me think. I watch random stuff at like 2am when I carn’t sleep mostly.


Dont read much, just look at art books but I got sum Waterstones vouchers for my birthday a copule of weeks ago so im ganna go try get a book called "all she wanted". its The story of the life of Brandon Teena, a transgendered teen who preferred life in a male identity until it was discovered he was born biologically female, i saw the film a couple of weeks ago and it had me in teard so wanna read the book! Watch Boys Dont cey! it will have you all in tears!


Jonny Long Brush and Fudg Packer Hendison

My Blog


kk! little katie hughes has yet another dilama! as most of you probably know i trastfaired to Salford uni in a bit of a rush last year! in  hinde sight it was rather silly of me to...
Posted by Mothers drible constent Verble Diarea............. on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 05:05:00 PST