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I am here for Friends and Networking

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My Interests

evolution science synchronicity biology comics chemistry thelema systematics kabbalah hell mind relations philosophy fiction reality knowledge

I'd like to meet:

Frater Perdurabo Robert Anton Wilson Timothy Leary Dante Friedrich Nietzsche Ken Lloyd The Dddevil


Fake?, Tool, J, Refused, Oblivion Dust, Hide, Nine Inch Nails, Shing02, Dust Brothers, Ludwig Van, Blood Brothers, Nujabes, XJapan, ShaiHulud, Tsutchie, As Friends Rust, Dir En Grey, At The Drive In, Portishead, Tricky, Thursday, Boy Sets Fire, Mucc, Atari Teenage Riot, And All The Others I Don't Remember Right Now


Dune eXistenZ 23 Versus Fight Club 28 Days Later Death Trance The Nine Lives Of Thomas Katz Alive Clockwork Orange Eyes Wide Shut Well Everything Kubrick Requiem For A Dream Pi Old Boy Arahan Studio Ghibli Mr. Socrates Hackers Fallen Angels Snatch Eureka Being John Malkovich Takeshi Kitano Ghost In The Shell Alien vs. Predator X-Men Donnie Darko Ju-On Invader Zim Starship Troopers CKY Akira Sin City Samurai Champloo Hana Bi


i don't have tv


Too many... really. A wide spectrum from Science Fiction to Philosophy. Every book that's crashing personal reality.


Frater Perdurabo

Spider Jerusalem

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uZumaKi took the free personality test!"Wants to swipe aside the things that stand in her ..." Click here to read the rest of the results. ...
Posted by uZumaKi on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 05:29:00 PST

which major arcana tarot card are you?

which major arcana of the thoth tarot deck are you? short, with pictures and detailed results DEVIL/PAN"the joker, worker, stabilizer"You are gifted when it comes to protecting yo...
Posted by uZumaKi on Sat, 13 May 2006 08:47:00 PST

Songs From Beelzebub

So... it's still twelve days we have to wait, but here is the new cover: and this is the tracklist: 1. $500 2. DISCO 3. AUTOMATIC 4. BUS STOP #74 (yeah... Ken the Bus Driver XD) 5. B...
Posted by uZumaKi on Fri, 12 May 2006 01:56:00 PST