Sleeping, Macs, Scrabble, Cities, Shopping, History, Bicycling, Camping, Wine, Bartending, Heffeweissen, Piano, Cooking, Disaster Movies, Diesel Cars, Yahoo Crosswords, Watching Football (but not playing it), Penn State, Chill Bars, SET, Retro Video Games, Wow there is way too much space here.
I like to be around people who are quick and not stale, who can satisfy my short attention span. I can be sarcastic, but don't take it too seriously, it's part of my charm. Don't take yourself too seriously either.I don't get along with unintelligent people, IQ being a small slice of that pie. If you understand that, you understand me.
80s, Madonna, Elton John, Anything pre-1995 but post-1975
Shawshank Redemption, War Games, Disaster Movies, Hunt for Red October, Steel Magnoilas
Match Game, Star Trek, Pyramid, Millionaire, Golden Grils, Battlestar Galactica, West Wing, Fraiser, Seinfeld, Anything on GSN thats in color, Roseanne, Boston Legal, All in the Family
Non-Fiction, Fahrenheit 451, Fast Food Nation, 1984, Three Junes
Brett Sommers, Gene Rayburn, Bob Barker.....seriously what is this?