listening to music, playing music, meditation and prayer, melodic but fast punk rock, buddha, jesus, yoga, life in general and learning how to live it well, trying to see the bright side while not ignoring the evil shit...
some human beings, some animals, some plants, enlightenment.......
I like fast, heavy stuff sometimes and slow, melodic stuff sometimes, and the stuff in between sometimes. Sometimes i like the silence in between noises, too.
Holy shit, I'll just name a few favorites: Braveheart, Love Liza, Homeroom, Passion of the Christ, The Man without a Face, Love Actually, Dream with the Fishes, Stigmata, Dawn of the Dead, The Ladykillers, The Terminal, Saving Private Ryan, Legends of the Fall, Donnie Darko, The World According to Garp, The Godfather, Scarface, Good Will Hunting, Bulletproof Monk, Billy Madison, Punch Drunk Love, Amelie, Fearless, The Big Lebowski, Clean and Sober, In Country, The Chronicles of Narnia, I like movies.
Don't really watch it anymore except at the Days Inn when i'm supposed to be working.
Walden, A Buddhist Bible, Dharma Punx, Radical Acceptance, Peace is Every Step, A People's History of the United States, Old Path White Clouds, Miracle of Mindfulness, A Year to Live, Be Here Now, The Art of Happiness, Wherever You Go There You Are, A Path With Heart, After the Ecstasy The Laundry, Thinner, Sole Survivor, Koontz, King, Ayn Rand a little, Ken Wilber, The Essential Chogyam Trungpa, any Dalai Lama books, Buddhist Books, Good Novels, Fiction, non-Fiction, Zen and Recovery, Buddhism and the Twelve Steps, books are good, read lots of books.
My brother. People who have gone through dark nights of the soul and come out the other side stronger and more humble, happier, and still able to laugh. monks and nuns and good people in general....