Smokin,drinkin,and all other forms of ill shit,but my main intrest in life is meeting beatiful females and stayin out of jail,Writing the obituaries of those whom oppose,discharging firearms,dogs pitbulls in particular.Strip clubs especially the one my ex works at.I like to play with the quiji board and talk to my dead friends.See you in hell ill call you long distance.Unloading clips at VNS has always been my favorite cause its all about that 23rd street baby peace 2 all my Lovefield Playas.
Jim Morrison if he were still alive my father(biological father) if i knew him.Al Capone if he were alive.Al Pacino,Robert Dinero.Someone who can truely love me and and sincerly care about me.God and satan.Id like to meet an umpalumpa but id probably rob wiily wonka.A leperchuan so i can steal his gold.The cupachabra and the boogeyman.Freddy Kuger.Tommy Chong.The antichrist.A bad bitch or broad.
Rap and rock(The Doors)Tool,UGK,Pantera,DMX, I pretty much listen to all kind of shit and it would take to long to fuck it that information is irrelavent
Scarface,CarlitosWay,Dead Presidents,Half Baked,Spun,True Romance,Boondock Saints,Donnie Brasco,Fear and loathing in las vegas,Amores Perros,City of God
Sapranos,Simpsons,Family Guy,Robot Chicken,Aqua Teen Hunger Force,and the Boondocks
Anything educational and informative with more pictures than words,but I do enjoy a Steven King novel from time to time and high times
Scarface,Che,John Gotti,The real scarface(Al Capone)Lucky Luciano,Tony the tiger,captain crunch,and,Buggs Bunny and Carmen Electra,Mcgruff,smokey the bear,Johnny Cash,Mike Tyson,Bruce lee,Jesse James The cowboy not the one that builds bikes,but hes cool too.Billy the Kid.Daffy duck and Timothy Leary and Cheech and Chong.Anyone whose shot at the cops is a hero n my eyes.