Philosophy, religion, psychology, quantum physics, the occult, supernaturalism, naked girls, fart jokes, and a broad range of irreverent comedy.
I smashed Superman's nads into oblivion, like 2 raw eggs dropped off the top of the Empire State building; That bitch crumbled like an autumn leaf. Right now you may be asking yourself: "What does this have to do with ANYTHING?" This is an excellent question, and it is also one that shall remain unanswered.------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- I like to get blind drunk and spit at my cats. I have argued with furniture in public and have vomited at virtually every Denny's resturant in south Florida. They call me awesome, but I try to hide from sales people and I don't like baked beans.... Sometimes I feel like a fraud.
I only like good movies. If someone suggest a movie to me, and I bother to watch it and it ends up sucking, I "WILL" snap it in half. Yes, even if it belongs to Block Buster. Not my fault it sucked.
I do not require sleep, so late at night I watch info-mercials on purpose. I enjoy the background music on the one about the 'Slim and Lift Supreme'. If the same advertisement lasts for more than forty five minutes I start to chew the skin off around my toenails. If I've already done that, I'll tear out large patches of chest and leg hair.