scummy muck tricky dicky profile picture

scummy muck tricky dicky


About Me

" If you dont know who John Roland is, you should cut off your reproductive organs and sell them to some one who has some class " ~ David Roland...................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ..--"John Roland is not like anyone you will ever meet, at all. He’s the kind ofperson who can walk into a room and no matter where you are or what you aredoing, you will know. His stature alone can bring all the attention to him,whether he wants it or not. In the way he acts, he defieseverything that can be conceived as “normal” without appearing completelyinsane. When he gets angry, he gets furious. When he’s happy, he’s ecstatic.Whether this is a medical condition or not is still in question.John Roland is a loose cannon. He is a man pushes society’s standards and thenkicks them when they’re down. He is probably screaming obscenities while doingso." ~ Laura Larson....................................................GO OD NEWS EVERYONE. I'M FINALLY GOING TO TO DO IT!

My Interests

IPA's Control The young version of myself, and conversing with him daily Metal Muff

I'd like to meet:



Smooth Jazz




Scourge of the media


step daddy koala


maybe you, if you play your cards right

My Blog

you're outa the loop you rapist!

If I ever run into those goombas of the mist again, It had better be with a steam engine, or a javalin..... ps Is that how you spell javalin? pps Ref rence? The (blank) of the mist...
Posted by scummy muck tricky dicky on Fri, 11 May 2007 04:51:00 PST

Jeff Roland's 15 keys to save the Vikings

I have Jeff Roland's List of 15 to review.  15 items that will fix the Vikings woes.  Please read and critique. At least that is part of what you are suppose to be doing.   ...
Posted by scummy muck tricky dicky on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 07:41:00 PST

Boba Fucking Fett.

Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, Is possibly the greatest film on the subject of space warfare ever made. Boba Fucking fett, God Damn!
Posted by scummy muck tricky dicky on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 10:36:00 PST


catch my grips on ya bitch tits,dick tip.
Posted by scummy muck tricky dicky on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 12:29:00 PST

Everyone has lost their fucking skulls

YEAH I WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU> You fucking death camp! If you're reading this then you've lost your shit, and it feels great. Can I geta HELL YEAH! HELL YEAH   Can I Geta HELL YEAH!   HELL YE...
Posted by scummy muck tricky dicky on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 07:01:00 PST