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Music(duh),girls ,you know who, friends, writing(haven't done to much of that lately), learning(yes I know I'm a nerd), and politics(I love to argue and I think it's kinda funny when people get mad about stupid things, especially when I start the arguement for no reason).a class="popup_wrapper" style="cursor:default;background-image:none;left:0px;top:0px
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the muffin man
It's hard to name all the bands I like, I'll just say that I dislike most all modern country and most modern rap. I almost everything else. Two artists that I don't like that people always get after me about are James Blunt (nothing against him personally I just think his voice is annoying) and Death Cab for Cutie (I just don't like them). I don't believe in the term "sell out." I'd explain why but I'd go off on a tangent and wouldn't make any sense, so you can take that up with me in a conversation. Oh and I like Becca and Sarah's band, they're pretty freakin' hardcore =).
History Channel!!!!
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Gearge Harrison, Ringo Starr, Kurt Cobain, Elton John, Pete Townshend, My sister, my brother, My parents... and more.
You Are an Emo Rocker!
Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing.
That doesn't mean you don't rock out...
You just rock out with meaning.
For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding.
What Kind of Rocker Are You?