The Name's Clyde, but most call me Chip. Doesn't make a difference what you call me. You could call me Elmo if you makes you shit and giggle.
Im 20 years old, currently living in Clemson SC. I go to school full time for an incredibly boring degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Its basically cram everything you never wanted to know about eating healthy into 4 years of school, and teaching me how to apply it to people who are too fat and lazy to do it themselves. Thats the cynical version. The happy version of what I'm going for is as follows: Saving the world from Obesity!!! yipee
Im pretty random at all times. I'm also a sarcastic little shit. Buuuttt its all in good fun, and I never try to step over the line and offend anyone. If you ever want to chat IM me, HTMMiata
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