People just left of center RAWK!!! Those deemed strange and bizarre are usually the normal ones to me... I can gel with pretty much anyone. It’s actually quite simple… Annoy the fuck out of me and I just won’t acknowledge your meaningless existence. Conversation is an art form that should be taught in every school. Not many people are actually aware of this. That’s why not many people get along really well I suppose… Boring people are not worth the effort either! I like people and things that spurn creativity and thought. Make me think and you've already gained my interest...Let go of conformity and the “what will they think of me if I†attitude, and maybe you’ve got a reason to be a part of my world…
Everyone...Everyone's got a story to tell...Everyone's got an ear to listen with...You tell me your story and I'll tell you mine...
Too much to list...Everything
What Dreams May Come, Fists of Fury, Better Off Dead, One Crazy Summer, Weird Science, Real Genius ("Kent...It's God Kent...Have you been touching yourself???")
All television is a buncha' shite. Reality this, reality that! What a complete, and utter load of BOLLOCKS!!!! Here's the real reality. Plain and simply put. You're born, you keep your head down, you die. That's reality. Everything in between is exactly what you make of it. So get up of yer fat arses and make something of your time. Stop wasting it watching others do things that you yourself do on a daily basis. And who really gives a fuck if celebrities X, Y, and Z lose weight or not!??!! Wasters! It's all been done before. Can we not move on now???
Words make me dizzy...
They're all dead.....