I like killing, and torturing, and swimming, and political debasement, and ping pong, and reading and eating and punishing revisionists, and writing and killing again, and stealing weapons secrets and killing Chiang Kai-Sheck and getting back Taiwan - you bastards, and crushing peasants, and killing peasants, and stealing from peasants, and working peasants to death, and persona hygeine
Mao wants to meet world leaders that makes Mao more powerful - stupid world leaders, I'm going to take over the world. Mao also wants to meet beautiful young ladies for some Little Red Book studies - you know what Mao means. Mao also wants to meet fellow revolutionaries - so I can kill you before you kill me.
NO MUSIC ALLOWED!!! You listen to music, you a revisionist and you die
NO MOVIES ALLOWED!!! You watch movie, you a revisionist and you die. Unless MAO in movie and he looks good.
NO TELEVISION ALLOWED!!! You watch television, you a revisionist and you die
Only Mao can read books, unless it is my Little Red Book. You can read that. Read anything else and you are revisionist and you die
MAO - you like other heroes, you die. Only MAO is hero.