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Fuck up the world enough, the world fights back.

About Me

I love music, writing, reading, dancing, traveling, and the small things in life.I am self-sacrificial to a major fault.
I run a record label called Brightskull Records, in that fill up my closet with awesome records and build debt sort-of-way. Check it out on myspace or on the net .

My Interests

reading, writing, glimpsing into people's lives, climbing trees, roadtrips, diy music and culture, playing music, dumpster diving, astronomy, dancing, camping, cooperative living, life.

I'd like to meet:

people in love with life. people with a story to tell. sincere people. people unconcerned with image and fashion. people who care about the world and those around them. people interested in community. people who aren't afraid to let it all go and just dance. people who understand the beauty of making someone smile or a star-filled night. people who also live by one of my only doctrines: "it's not that hard to NOT be an asshole."


jawbreaker, the broadways, kodan armada, phil ochs, billy bragg, the weakerthans, discount, nakatomi plaza, marathon, the cure, against me, fifteen, yeah yeah yeahs, rachel jacobs, madeline, nine inch nails, ayin, in tongues, coliseum, the faint, ghost mice, joy division, the clash, sleater kinney, the pixies, john mellancamp, willie nelson, le tigre, chumbawamba, modest mouse, john k samson, bob dylan, tom petty, op ivy, pj harvey, pocket bomb, q and not u, radiohead, skam impaired, the smiths, talking heads, new order, the toasters, velvet underground, white stripes, lemuria, del cielo, the mountain goats, and NOT the beatles.




i haven't watched TV in years, but I recently rented a season of Six Feet Under and loved it. When I want to get belligerantly mad I might watch the news.


George Orwell; Charles Bukowski; Island and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley; Dandelion Wine, the Martian Cronicles, and most everything else by Ray Bradbury


got any?

My Blog

the road-weary dog...

A couple of days ago I was compared to a road-weary dog that wandered into a friend's life last summer. Battered and bruised, but still of kind persuasion, the dog just wanted to be taken in and loved...
Posted by jamie on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:19:00 PST


If 2006 was the year to try and break me, then 2007 is my year of redemption. Sealed with my first new years kiss in not-so-recent memory on the dance floor at a house party in Bloomington, and kickin...
Posted by jamie on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 03:58:00 PST

It's done.

Everything is packed or sitting in a neat little pile in the alley covered in snow. My travel bags are piled up in the corner and I have a small piece of foam in one corner to sleep on for my last nig...
Posted by jamie on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 02:05:00 PST

I'm coming home.

I wish the circumstances were better, but two weeks from now I'll be getting off of the train in Indianapolis, my backpack in hand and two hours of driving ahead of me. Then I'll be back with the peop...
Posted by jamie on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 09:42:00 PST

Jobs and leaving...

I recently applied for a job at AK PRESS in oakland for a shipping and receiving position. I was really excited. Needless to say, I didn't get the job. Back to the drawing board. I've been feeling so ...
Posted by jamie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST