Viper X & Tigger profile picture

Viper X & Tigger

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi, My name is Ben. Signed on to MySpace to keep in contact with family & make new friends. Everyone is on MySpace now, even celeberties. Which makes MySpace more interesting. From Wrestlers aka Superstars to Hollywood, it is great to voice our support for them, by being on their Friends List, & giving them feedback. It might seem like a fad to some, but I feel that they have done so much for us. It is our way of cheering them on.
I was born on September 15th 1981, in a small town in East Texas. My family moved around alot when I was younger. So when It came to friends, they were rare.
What MySpace Means to Me. The ablility to keep in contact with Family & Friends with a Friendly Interface. Open Comunication is Key. To Express ones self in an open format. To open my mind to new Ideas, and with them new people to interact with online. To Show support for others and help when needed. I want to be the best I can be. This place is not a stupid fad, like some like to think. Those are closed minded people. This Place is a Tool, & if used correctly, Can help yourself & others.
I am happy to be here on MySpace, I feel Creative. I hope MySpace stays around for a long time Thank You for stopping by. Also I added my cat Tigger as my Conact Table. MyGen Profile Generator.. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests




Computer Animated


Attack of the Show
Dirty Jobs
Modern Marvels
South Park
Real Time with Bill Maher
The Soup
WWE Smackdown


The Internet is all I need


Anyone who helps others in need

My Blog

Playing Grand Theft Auto IV on Xbox 360 Elite

I finaly got my hands on an Xbox 360 Elite to play my copy of GTA IV that I bought on release day. The one thing I know is, that everyone who worked on GTA IV are Masters at what they do. I would go s...
Posted by Viper X & Tigger on Sat, 17 May 2008 12:50:00 PST

Getting in Shape & Staying in Shape

Getting in Shape & Staying in Shape March 30, 2008 This is just one of the important things in my life. I was not always 175 lbs. At the beginning of this year, I was 190 lbs. In 2007, I average 1...
Posted by Viper X & Tigger on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 09:39:00 PST

What is a True Patriot?

What is a True Patriot? Why do we have Free Speech, but can not talk about the Flaws of America’s past and Current state? Those Individuals get slammed with hate. Why do we Say God Bless America...
Posted by Viper X & Tigger on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 10:36:00 PST

You know what really Grinds My Gears

This Section will be about things in life that I just don’t understand. Just because I may not agree or understand something, does not make me hate it. Some things have a habbit of rel...
Posted by Viper X & Tigger on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:09:00 PST

Evolution vs Creationism

Evolution vs Creationism is a subject that I find very interesting, like Aliens vs God. Lets talk about Creationism first. I don’t know much about it, but from what I gather so far. God Created...
Posted by Viper X & Tigger on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 08:14:00 PST