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♥~ 1*life*1*world*1*heart~♥

~What my dreams are really made of~ Female 21 years old Jville, NC United States Last Login, Maybe 2

About Me

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There isnt that much to tell about me i like to have fun when i am able to like when i am not working i like to party and hang out with people that are fun. If you knew me in middle school or high school then you dont know me now i have changed alot and people are always shocked to see the new me. I have been told that i am hard to handle and i am no need to lie. I do what i want to do i dont do things unless i want to do them. I am the type of person either you love me or hate me there is no in the middle. I am a really cool person to hang out with i will watch your back and help you out if i can but if you make me mad then i am a bitch and i dont care if i hurt your feelings. People will always come and go you cant change that. but other then that if you want to know more then send me a message. later love lots
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My Interests

THIS ME ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!1 ViRGO * -- Dominant in relationships. -- Sexy. -- someone loves them right now. -- FreakY in bed. -- Best in bed. -- Always wants the last word. -- Caring. -- Smart. -- Addictive. -- Attractive. -- Loud. -- Loyal. -- Easy to talk to. -- Hard to forgetI like to read when i have the chance to spend some alone time with myself lol. I love to party and stay up all night and go see the sun rise at the beach. I love to look at the stars and i love to hang out with my friends

I'd like to meet:

There is no one i would like to meet i will meet the people that i am suppose to meet as they come along I think everything happens for a reason and you are suppose to learn from the mistakes you make in life and that includes the people you will meet..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
~A Survey About EVERYTHING~
~The Basics~
Name:: Casey
Age:: 21
Hair Color:: Brown
Eye Color:: blue
Pet(s) & Their Name(s):: none
Birthplace:: jville
Nickname(s):: case-a-base and case
Most Widespread Nickname:: case-a-base
Height:: 5'8
Mood Right Now:: tired
Color:: pink, black, and blue
Animal:: butterfly
Number:: 111, and 14
Gum:: orbit
Sport:: football, and soccer
Season:: fall
Candy:: anything with peanut butter
Song:: dont have one
Actor:: same
TV Show:: intervention
~This or That~
Morning or Evening:: eveing
Hugs or Kisses:: kisses
Love or Money:: love
Movies or Music:: music
Big Crowds or Little Crowds:: little crowds
Beach or Mountains:: BEACH
Six Flags or Carowinds:: six flags
Percussion or Strings:: strings
Piano or Guitar:: guitar
Skateboard or Skooter:: skateboard
Heels or Sneakers:: sneakers
Black or White:: black
Red or Green:: red
Skittles or M&Ms:: m&ms
Sun or Moon:: moon
Water or Fire:: water
~Fill in the Blank from Old TV Shows~
Clarissa Explains _______.: it all
Are You Afraid __________?: the dark
Kenan and _____.: kel
Caitlin's _____.: idk
Different ________.: worlds
The Facts of ______.: life
~Have You Ever~
Danced in the Rain:: yep
Talked to Someone You Didn't Know on an IM:: no
Honked a Car Horn at Strangers:: yep
Bunjee Jumped:: no
Done Something Illegal:: yes
Done Something You Regret:: never that
Cried in a Full Theater:: yes
Done Drugs:: yes
Smiled for No Reason:: yes
Thought About Something and Laughed Really Loud:: yep
Done Something Stupid in Front of Your Crush:: lol yep
Gone to a Sports Camp:: no
Gone to ANY Camp:: no
Said Something No One Else Got:: all the time
Acted/Sang on Stage:: no
Talked in Front of a Large Group (EXcluding Oral Reports):: no
Had a Cavity:: yep
Said Something That Others Took Wrong:: all the time
Been Told to Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter:: lol yep
Been in Love:: yes
Fallen Down in Public:: um i think so
Been Stupid in Front of a Lot of People:: yep
Done Something Someone Said You Could Never Do:: yep
~Do You~
Sing Well:: no
Dance Well:: no
Take Drugs:: did
Get Embarrassed Easily:: sumtimes
Consider Yourself a Morning Person:: hell no
Take Walks in the Rain:: yep
Keep Your Promises:: try cant make everyone happy
Believe in Luck:: yes
Like to Talk:: yep
Speak Your Mind:: yep
Trust Others Easily:: no
~Movies & Music~
Best Movie You've Seen in Theaters Lately:: step up
Saddest Movie:: the notebook
Cutest Movie:: the lake house
Movie You Find Yourself Quoting Very Often:: dont quote movies
Ever Made Movies With Your Friends:: no
Radio Station You Listen to Most:: what has the best song at the time
Song Currently Stuck in Your Head:: i tired
Stupidest Song You've Heard Lately:: lip gloss but it has a good beat
Song You Hear Most on the Radio:: dont matter by akon
Have You Ever Wished Someone Would Die?: no
Do You Believe in Luck?: yes
Would You EVER Skydive:: no
Are You Conservative or Liberal?: liberal
Do You Support the Death Penalty?: yes
Do You Think There's Gold on the Other End of a Rainbow?: yes if you look really really hard lol
What CD Have You Listened to Most Lately?: a mix cd
Have You Ever Held a Snake or Tarantula?: yes and i was scared
Do You Like Scary Movies?: hell no i need sum1 to hold on 2
What's Your Pet Peeve?: ppl who lie and ppl who play with emotions to get a reaction
Do You Have a Type A Personality?: i guess
What Would YOU Do for a Klondike Bar?: wouldnt have to do anything they are nasty lol
What's the One Thing You Would Bring With You to a Deserted Island?: my friends
Would You Kill Someone if You Could Get Away With It?: no that doesnt solve anything
Ever Been Tubing?: yes
Drove a Jetski?: no
Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?: yes and no
Would You EVER Cheat on Someone if You Could Get Away With It?: no that is wrong
Introvert or Extrovert?: introvert
Do You Like Big Crowds?: no
What's Your Favorite Quote from a Friend?: you see things and say why but i dream things that never were and i say why not by oliver wendell holmes
What Word Do You Use Too Much?: yo and that is ugly
Can You Sing Your ABC's Backward's?: yes if i try really hard
What's the Latest You've Ever Stayed Up?: 24 hours
Have You Ever Been Betrayed?: yep
What's Your Greatest Strength(s)?: bein head strong and stubburn
Weakness(es)?: caring to much
Do You Laugh a Lot?: yes
Are You a Leader or a Follower?: both depends on the situation
Do You WANT to Be Like Everyone Else?: no
What's the Compliment You Receive Most?: i have a nice butt and pretty eyes
Insult?: i am a crazy bitch
Do You March to the Beat of You OWN Drummer?: i guess
Can You Talk Extremely Fast?: yep
~Last Words~
What Are Your Last Words?: only depend on yourself that is the only person that is going to get you any where in life
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I love comments!!!!


I like all kinds of music but i mostly listen to rap and rock music but not really picky when it comes to music


Fav movies of all time is the crow and fear. they are the best movies ever. but other then that i like all kinds of movies i will pretty much watch anything expect scary movies i have to have someone to hold on to. lol yea i am a baby when it comes to scary movies.


Well i really dont watch tv dont have the time to but when i do watch tv i like to wacth intervention, weeds, and anything on bet and mtv and i cant think of anything else at this time.


I love anything by Nichols Sparks he is the best just love his books


I have no hero the person that you need to look up to is yourself cuz that is the only person that is going to get you anywhere in life.
Your Birth Month is September
Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years.
You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian.
Your soul reflects: Devotion, light, and love
Your gemstone: Sapphire
Your flower: Morning Glory
Your colors: Brown and deep blue What Does Your Birth Month Mean?
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You scored as Bitch,








Are you punk, prep, bitch, or a nerd? (pics)
created with QuizFarm.com..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
500 questions about you
first name: Casey
middle name: Michelle
nickname: case base
age: 21
age you wish you were: 21
age you act: 10 lol jk
birthdate: 9-14-85
birthplace: jville nc
current location: jville nc
body build: thick lol
current height: 5'8
current weight: not telling how dare you lol
what hospital were you born at: onslow
what time were you born: 9:14 pm that is also the day i was born
star sign: virgo
how much did you weigh when you were born: not sure i was born like a month early i think like 5pounds
how tall were you when you were born: not sure
do you get along with your family?: sometimes
any siblings?: yea 1
pets?: no
how many?: 0
what kind?: none
how many of each?: :(
are you happy with who you are?: sure am
smoke: no
do drugs: no
cry often: lol yes
read the newspaper: yep sometimes
go to church: no
pray: no
take walks in the rain: yes
sing in the shower: no
like school: no
want kids: yes
if yes, how many: 1 but maybe 2 it depends
take long showers: yes very long showers i cant help it
love yourself for who you are: yep
play sports: no
if yes, which ones:
sleep alot: yes
like to sing: no
like animals: no
like to play with fire: yes
fave eye color: blue or like a golden brown color
favorite hair color: black and brown
height: taller then me
weight: dont care
piercings??: dont care
if yes, where:
how many?: dont care
tattoos?: love tattoos just love them
if yes where?: doesnt matter
how many?: doesnt matter
skinny...muscular...fat: dont care
hot or cute: cute
looks or personality: personality
first thing you notice: eyes
coke or pepsi: pepsi
bikini or one piece: bikini
swim trunks or speedos?: swim trunks
love or money: love
pop or water: water
dogs or cats: dogs
aeropostale or american eagle: aeropostale
aeropostale or hollister: aeropostale
hollister or american eagle: neither
abercrombie or hollister: n/a
american eagle or abercrombie: n/a
night or day: night
sun or rain: rain
croutons or bacon bits: bacon bits
ford or chevy: ford
john deere or case: john deere
boxers or briefs: boxers
blondes or brunettes: brunettes
arabians or quarter horses: idk
green grapes or purple grapes: GREEN
beautiful or gorgeous: beautiful
heck yeah or hell yeah: hell yeah
hot tea or ice tea: ice tea
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
hugs ot kisses: kisses
goldstar or skyline: skyline
quiznos or subway: subway
summer or winter: fall
wine or beer: liquor
tequila or whiskey: whiskey
bacardi or smirnoff: bacardi
taco bell or mcdonalds: both
perkins or bob evans: neither
dominos or papa johns: papa johns
pizza hut or larosas: pizzia hut
cried in school: yes
gone skinny dipping: yes but no long story
been drunk: yes
smoked: yes
cried on someone's shoulder: yes
had someone cry on your shoulder: yes
been kissed: yes lol
cried during a movie: yes lol
if yes, what movie: the notebook and etc
seen something being born: no
if yes, what:
kissed someone in the rain: yes
been in love: yes
had a medical emergency: yes
had surgery: no
spent the night in a psych ward: no
played strip poke: yes
played strip poker and lost?: no
been picked on: yes who hasnt
slept outdoors: yes
been on stage: no
been to camp: no
talked to someone all night long on the phone: yes
thought that you were going crazy: yes lol
been betrayed: yep omg yes
had a dream that came true: always
been on the radio: no
had a recurring dream: yes
had a recurring nightmare: no
loved someone so much that it made you cry: yes
been in a car accident: yes
been in a car accident on your birthday: no
toilet papered someone's house: no
egged someone's house: no
paintballed a cop car: no
had your heart broken: yes to many times to count
been dumped: yes
dumped someone: yes lol
gone out with someone because you felt sorry for them: no
danced in the rain: yes
are you a romantic: yes
what is your view on love: not enought time to say
who was your first kiss: idk wasnt good enough lol
biggest turn on: when a guy goes for what he wants and he doesnt care what his freinds think
biggest turn off: when they try to hard
what is important for you in a relationship: honesty
do you have to know someone before you date them: yes
what is the best thing about the opposite sex: their touch
what is the best worst thing about the opposite sex: egos
school: hated school but most go back
prayer in school: not my place to say
abortion: AGAINST
straight marriages: dont care
gay marriages: dont care
kids: for
adoption: for
the war in iraq: against
gay rights: for
marijuana being legal: dont care
sex before marriage: you have to test before you are stuck with it
illegal downloading: dont care
eggplant: dont care
long distance relationships: against they dont work i should know
democrats: idc
democracy: idc
nuns: idc
monarchies: idc
anarchists: idc
dictatorships: idc
online dating: against
hitler: against
god: i have my own views
interracial marriages: why does it matter what color your skin is all that matters if you are happy
interracial relationships: idc
single parenthood: for my mom did it and we came out ok
food: pasta
restaurant: idc
drink: has to taste good
store: aero
color: pink black and blue
shoe brand: nb
clothing brand: gots to look good
animal: butterfly
guys name: Landon
2nd fave: jayden
3rd fave: that is it
girls name: dont have one
2nd fave: ""
3rd fave: 0
day of the week: :(
sport: soccer and football
sport to watch: football
flower: orchid
ice cream: peanut butter
band: coheed and cambria
scnet: idk
song: the lights and the grass
quote: you see things and say why i dream things that never were and i say why not
candy: anything with peanut butter
season: fall
car: mirage
state: fl and nc
country: spain
you hugged: grandma
you kissed: grandma on the check
you talked to: jessica
that made you laugh: lol he is stupid
you yelled at: jessica
that made you cry: lol he knows why 2
that you said i love you to: lol dont have to say we both know
you hit: lol he knows
that brightened your day: lol someone dear to me did
you thought about: i am always thinking about
you saw: grandpa
miracles: yes
santa: no
the easter bunny: no
the tooth faerie: no
god: yes and no
elves: no
magic: yep
witches: yep yep
love at first sight: yes and no
reincarnation: yep
karma: yep
yin/yang: no
heaven/hell: kinda
satan: no
angels: yes
demons: no
do you live in the moment: yes
do you have secrets: yes
are you tolerant? patient?: sometimes
are you a daredevil?: no
deepest fears?: losing!!!!!!!!
are you gutsy?: depends
strengths?: headstrong
weaknesses?: to caring
confident?: yep
any regrets?: never that
are you passive or aggressive?: lol depends
what shape is your heart currently in?: it is whole and i think i am in love
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My Blog

What i thought i knew!!!!!!

I thought i knew what love was i thought i have been in love not once but 2 times. i thought i knew what it felt like to be loved by another and that person really mean it. i was told yesterday that&n...
Posted by ♥~ 1*life*1*world*1*heart~♥ on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 05:30:00 PST

Last Night!!!!

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Posted by ♥~ 1*life*1*world*1*heart~♥ on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 06:10:00 PST

Because of you!!!!!!!

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Posted by ♥~ 1*life*1*world*1*heart~♥ on Thu, 31 May 2007 01:47:00 PST