WritiNg pOetRy, HittiNg uP tHe cLuBs, B-baLLiN, cHiLLiN WitH tHe FeLLaS
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aNytHiNg aNd eVerYtHinG I CaN ViBe to
sCaRfAcE is the BiBLe.....cHi cHi GeT tHe YaYo! ApaRt fRoM tHat fLicK CaRLiTo'S waY, tRaiNiNg DaY, HeaT, DeSpeRaDo, aNd tHe MoToRcYcLe DiaRieS
kiLLiNg PaBLo: tHe HunT FoR tHe woRLd's GrEaTesT OuTLaW, CoMpaNeRo: tHe LiFe aNd DeatH oF cHe GueVaRa, RoMeo aNd JuLieT
mY FaM